As Fr. Michael mentioned Sunday, Steven Tomlinson will be with us for the rest of this year and part of next year. He is a senior in the Iona School of Ministry at the Seminary. Let's try and remember to wear our name tags to help Steven. October 27, 2022 Some words from Fr. Michael regarding Bible Study: "Bible study will reconvene this Sunday to determine our path going forward. Our Ministry Student Steven Tomlinson(maybe by next week we can just say"Steven") has offered to help us decide what approach we would like to take. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who has thought about coming to Bible study to help shape how we go about it. We meet after (toward the end of) coffee hour in the parish hall."
Expanded Ministry At Epiphany: Now available to the Sick and Infirmed are the Eucharistic Visitors trained by Fr. Michael to bring communion to you. If you want one to bring you communion please contact Rufus Arrington, or, of course, Fr. Michael. We want you to know that you are an important part of the Body of Christ. This is part of the outreach of Pastoral Care to our Parish.
The Daughters of the King will meet this coming Sunday in the Library after Church.
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study will be November 8th in the Library.
Sunday, October 23, 2022 attendance: 35 In Church 8 On Zoom 43 Total
As Fr. Michael mentioned in last week's invitation to worship we have new equip- ment coming to give us good quality on zoom production. Thank you for your patience.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, October 30th, are: Layreaders.......Carol & Jim Weathers Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.........Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers Ushers...............J J & Maria Gonzales Altar flowers given by.............Sherry Musgrove(for blessings received) Coffee Hosts......Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove VPOD.................Linda Myers
Some words from the Sr. Warden: We recently saw a wonderful improvement in our church property with the removal of some dead trees. (Thank you Jr. Warden, Rachel!) That work fee ran $3000. Help with this is needed and would be GREATLY appreciated. You can designate a gift by marking: Lawn Fund for Trees. Thank You So Much to those who have already donated. We are planning to replace the fencing around our Trash Cans. The work will be done as a Boy Scouts Service Project (thank you Georgie!) and materials are being donated. A Big Heads-Up: Many are aware that we have a leak in our Parish Hall roof. It has been temporarily patched (thank you JJ!) and we've had inspections by our insurance company. They've awarded $8,865.23 (yeah!), but we know that the repairs will probably run much higher. We are getting estimates from at least 3 roofing companies and will keep you informed. Fr. Michael has already informed you of the replacement for Dianne Williams. We are awaiting hire processing by the Diocese and anticipate her starting Nov.1. We'll announce her name etc. as soon as it's "official". (Thank you Deana, for "point work"!) More Improvements: We are purchasing 3 new computers to help with our church music and zoom broadcasts. This will be paid for by already given funds and should make our technical systems much more reliable. Thank you Susan for purchase efforts!Pledge Cards-Please prayerfully consider your response and return those cards. You can mail them to the church office, or return them in the collection plate on Sundays.Those financial gifts keep Epiphany going and we need to know in order to plan. God Bless you! God Bless You! There is so much going on at our church! Thank you EVERYONE for your continued help and generosity. We have a vibrant life at Epiphany because of YOU! Love and blessings in abundance, Linda
A NOTE FROM DIANNE WILLIAMS: " I want to thank the wonderful people/friends at Epiphany for the gracious reception and gifts on Sunday before my last day - that includes the church, DOK, St. Anne's and Fr. Michael - everyone. It was so hard to say good-bye. All of you have been my family and friends for so many years. God blessed me by bringing me to Epiphany, and it has been so fulfilling for me. There was never a day that I went to the office and wished that I hadn't been there. I am so grateful I hope that some of you will visit John and me in Rockport. It is wonderful here, even though we are still stepping over boxes. We have a guest bedroom and all are welcome to visit. The new address is 230 W. Pompano Dr., Rockport, TX 78382." Blessings, Dianne"
THANKSGIVING COMMUNITY LUNCH ON Thanksgiving Day---if you can help in any way please contact Nancy Heuss at 512-755-4341.
NOVEMBER 9TH FOOD DRIVE FOR L A CARE---will be coming up November 9th---I will forward the formal announcement.
Be a Blessing to All You meet Be safe and stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington (The Epiphany Crier)