NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday----------Closed Tuesday---------1:00 to 5:00 p.m.November 10, 2022 Wednesday----11:30 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday-------11:30 to 5:00 p.m. Friday-----------1:00 to 5:00 p.m. November 10, 2022 Bible Study will continue after "Coffee Hour" in the library led by Steven Tomlinson, our ministry student intern. Steven will also be preaching Sunday; by the way, Michael will not be gone.
Please return your pledge cards---it sure will help the Budget Committee. Thank you.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2022 Attendance: 29 In Church 8 On Zoom (we're working on it) 37 Total
Those scheduled this coming Sunday, November 13th are:
Layreaders......Linda Myers & Mary Rubio Acolyte............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.......Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers............Margaret Thomas & Sherry Musgrove Vpod...............Margaret Thomas Coffee Hosts...Linda Dyke & Carol Weathers Altar flowers given by ........Ellen Lee in memory of her parents, Franklin and Emily Straughan
Happy Anniversary to Mike and Deborah Kelley, 11-11. Happy Birthday to Diane Hays, 11-15 and Mike Thomas, 11-16.
November 8---L A Care Food Drive---take your donations to the Burnet Fire Station on Hwy 281.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner---serving between 11-2---If you can help cook, serve, deliver, set up, or help in any way contact Nancy Heuss at 512-755-4341. November 11 -- "Veterans Day"---Thank All of you for serving. God Bless.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Healthy (get your flu shot & covid booster) Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington (the Epiphany crier)