RUMMAGE SALE--IT IS HERE--TOMORROW AND SATURDAY--09-09 & 09-10. You WILL receive the fruits of your HARD LABOR. Thanks everybody for ALL OF your Labor and Devotion. As all of you know Morgan Wright died last Thursday. His funeral will be Saturday, September 17th at 2:00 P.M. at Clement Wilcox funeral home in Burnet. Please keep Mae and the family in your special prayers.
Next Sunday, September 11th, Fr. Ben Long will be serving at Epiphany. Michael will be out recovering from some day surgery. Don't forget to keep him in your prayers on Wednesday. In case you missed yesterday's Special E-Star, Michael's surgery went well and he is at home.
As most of you know the LARGE DEAD tree next to the Parish Hall has been cut down. It was cut into firewood for ALL to partake of. There is still a little left but most of it has been hauled off rather nicely. Thank you to all.
Sunday, September 04, 2022 attendance: 32 In Church 11 On Zoom 43 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, September 11th are:
Layreaders........David Leitch & R G Guthrie Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.........Sue Brunson & Nancy Petty Ushers..............Maria & J J Gonzales VP of D.............Margaret Thomas Cof. Hosts.........Sandy Arrington & Pat Bass
The Altar flowers were given by Rachel Bryson in honor of Lela McAllister's birthday.
Happy Anniversary to Michael and Cheri Long, 09-09, and Bobbie and George Clear, 09-13.
Happy Birthday to Rachel Bryson, 09-08, Shane Torgenson, 09-09, Lela McAllister, 09-10, Abbey Major, 09-13, and Caden Walker, 09-15.
Be a Blessing to All you meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem