Let' begin with some words from Linda Myers, our Sr. Warden:
"Statements for E-Star:
1. The Covid/Regathering Committee met Tuesday evening. The Committee is reactivating and will meet again next Wednesday to continue discussion. The members are gathering information and will pursue setting up fact based criteria under which Epiphany can safely resume services in the sanctuary. Fr. Michael and the committee are well aware of (and share) the frustration of continuing to deal with Covid. Unfortunately the Covid statistics for Burnet and the surrounding counties are not good right now. We are so fortunate that none of our parish has contracted Covid from exposure at church. We will continue to try to develop an effective plan so that we can be together and everyone remains healthy. The Committee welcomes any in put from the congregation. You can contact any member: Fr. Michael, Linda Myers, Rachel Bryson, Susan Wallace, Ryan Guthrie, Karen Leitch, Sherry Musgrove, Carol Weathers, Otis Maclay. We will continue to keep you updated.
2. It's that time of year....Fr. Michael will be sending out a letter to the parish about our Stewardship for Epiphany and enclosing a Pledge card for our responses. (The Vestry will then work out a new budget, as we prepare for a new year.) Even with Covid, our parish has been so faithful in giving time, talent and money. Indeed I see lives given to Christ to see his work accomplished -where stewardship is not just an act, but is philosophy of life. THANK YOU EVERYONE.
3. Fr. Michael and I visited with Ryan Gutherie Monday. R G is at home and still struggling through recovery from a Fall/subsequent infection with complications. He meets with his medical team regularly and the latest evaluation and tests showed "marginally improved". Changes have been made to his pain med regime as they try to make him more comfortable. His situation is still very, very serious, but he looked good and was in good spirits. He is very grateful for all the support. Please keep him in your prayers."
We have also learned that Jim Curran will be coming home from rehab this Friday. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers. Carol Weathers has reinstituted Meal Train for Jim, thank you Carol.
Sunday, September 26, 2021 : Attendance 35 On Zoom 2 Having Internet problems 37 Total(??)
Layreaders for this coming Sunday are Rachel Bryson and David Leitch(subbing for R G).
We know all are struggling with internet and zoom complications but let's try to maintain our commitment to Epiphany on Line for that is the best we can do at the present. One of these days, God willing..............
From Fr. Michael:
"Monday, October 4, is the Feast of St. Francis. It has been requested that we have a virtual blessing on that day (as we've done in the past); St. Francis is strongly identified with love for all of God's creatures. So let's have prayers and a blessing of all your animals--past and present--at 5:00 pm Monday. If you can't get your beloved animal close to your computer (or vice versa), have a photo on hand. Here's a link for the Zoom service.
On Saturday I'll send a bulletin along with the usual invitation for Sunday morning. Looking forward to it!"
Happy Birthday to Jamie Montemayor (9-30), R G Guthrie (10-), Jim Curran(10-3), and Lynne Gray(10-7).
OH YES, FYI---the faucet that has been leaking on the north side of the Church Building has been 'Capped". Thank you Dianne Williams. AND, there will be no U T BAND AT THE FOOTBALL GAME THIS WEEKEND DUE TO COVID PREVENTING PRACTICES this week.
*****As you know Dianne Williams is working on corrections for the NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY. The response has been good but she has NOT RECEIVED A RESPONSE from some. Please CHECK YOUR EMAIL and respond as soon as possible. Thank you.