A WORD ABOUT EPIPHANY'S FINANCES-----At Vestry last Thursday, we learned that Epiphany's Pledges were down as of the end of August some $12,350.00. Please, if you possibly can, try to get caught up if your Pledge is in arrears. If you don't know, please contact Diane Hays, our Treasurer, at 210-842-1115 or [email protected] . Our bills keep going on, and we need to be able to take care of them.
The Sunday Service was an interesting experience for us; the 1st part of the service was similar to usual Zoom except some of us were in our cars and others were in their homes 44 (22 at Epiphany-20 Zoom). Then we were out of our vehicles for the Lord's Prayer and communion. There are always outdoor things to deal with: bright sun causing glare, the wind, the people mowing of the Girl Scout House (they stopped when asked, and one person joined us for communion), cars, airplanes, etc. but it was a good experience which we plan on doing next Sunday. These are all things that can be dealt with, and fixed.
*********Fr. Michael will be sending the Signup Invitation for this Sunday Service soon. Watch for it and respond to it. ***********
"Epiphany Family,
What a tremendous joy it was to see so many smiling (YES, you tell by the eyes if someone is smiling!) faces Sunday. Even though there were a few 'wrinkles' it seemed to work smoothly. I believe that our first baby step was a success!
Please let us know your thoughts on the parking lot service! We are looking for ways to improve! You can reach me by email: [email protected] or phone 512-755-1521 Or send your thoughts to the church email: epiphanyburnet@gmail.com We look forward to hearing from you all!
Looking forward to seeing these (and hopefully more) smiling faces again soon!
Deborah Kelley"
Those scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday, the 27th, are Carol and Jim Weathers.
Happy Birthday to:
Alan McAnelly September 24 Staci McComas----September 25
George Picken September 24 Claire Harrah September 28
Melissa Tolliver September 24 Eloisa Rodriguez September 28
Jamie Montemayor--September 30
Happy Anniversary to:
Carol and Robert Winter----September 28
Regular FLU SHOTS are now available at HEB and WALGREENS in Burnet.
Hope you remembered to register to vote, and also participated in the
Have a Blessed Week
Take care and be safe
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
It was good to see Mae and Morgan Wright at the service Sunday in the parking as well as all the others.
The Sunday Service was an interesting experience for us; the 1st part of the service was similar to usual Zoom except some of us were in our cars and others were in their homes 44 (22 at Epiphany-20 Zoom). Then we were out of our vehicles for the Lord's Prayer and communion. There are always outdoor things to deal with: bright sun causing glare, the wind, the people mowing of the Girl Scout House (they stopped when asked, and one person joined us for communion), cars, airplanes, etc. but it was a good experience which we plan on doing next Sunday. These are all things that can be dealt with, and fixed.
*********Fr. Michael will be sending the Signup Invitation for this Sunday Service soon. Watch for it and respond to it. ***********
"Epiphany Family,
What a tremendous joy it was to see so many smiling (YES, you tell by the eyes if someone is smiling!) faces Sunday. Even though there were a few 'wrinkles' it seemed to work smoothly. I believe that our first baby step was a success!
Please let us know your thoughts on the parking lot service! We are looking for ways to improve! You can reach me by email: [email protected] or phone 512-755-1521 Or send your thoughts to the church email: epiphanyburnet@gmail.com We look forward to hearing from you all!
Looking forward to seeing these (and hopefully more) smiling faces again soon!
Deborah Kelley"
Those scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday, the 27th, are Carol and Jim Weathers.
Happy Birthday to:
Alan McAnelly September 24 Staci McComas----September 25
George Picken September 24 Claire Harrah September 28
Melissa Tolliver September 24 Eloisa Rodriguez September 28
Jamie Montemayor--September 30
Happy Anniversary to:
Carol and Robert Winter----September 28
Regular FLU SHOTS are now available at HEB and WALGREENS in Burnet.
Hope you remembered to register to vote, and also participated in the
Have a Blessed Week
Take care and be safe
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
It was good to see Mae and Morgan Wright at the service Sunday in the parking as well as all the others.