Congratulations to Deana Geuther and Susan Wallace, who were admitted as new members of Daughters of King on Saturday, August 28th, at their Zoom meeting. This happened through the efforts of several people; thank you so much.
Sunday had a lot of neat surprises-one was hearing R G and Carol Guthrie's voice on the phone via Zoom. They expressed their appreciation for All that their Epiphany Family is doing for them.
We understand that Jim Curran is out of ICU and hopes to be transferred to a rehab hospital. He will be there for a couple of weeks and then goes home. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers.
We are saddened to learn that Mary Ann Gordy passed away earlier this week. May God rest her soul.
From the Sr. Warden: " We are working on a plan with Sarah Allen McGinty to allow the Birding Society to have their meetings at Epiphany starting in December. We are pleased to have the outreach and delighted to extend our ministry to the community."
"New Church Directory"--Dianne Williams, the office manager, will be sending out emails to try and get CORRECT CONTACT INFORMATION so she can get started on OUR new church directory. Please, update where needed.
Sunday, September 59th attendance: 40
******A Special Note from our Treasurer Diane Hays:
"During the months of July and August Discretionary Fund Contributions were $ 371. The same period 10 requests for assistance were distributed equaling $ 750. If you wish to contribute, please indicate on the memo line of your check "Discretionary Fund".
Layreaders for this coming Sunday, September 5th are Rufus & Sandy Arrington.
Happy Birthday to Chris Dorman and Cindy Rose(9-2), Mae Syn Gay, David McGinty, Frank Seidensticker(9-3), Patty Murray and Eddie Slape(9-6), Ginny Little(9-7), and Rachel Bryson(9-8).
We want to conclude by saying we continue to be amazed by how so many people at Epiphany have become accustomed to using Zoom, not only for Church services, but for meetings and communication. It has enabled us to maintain good contact and get things done. And we would be remiss if we did not say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Fr. Michael and Otis for keeping us on track with their technology knowledge for our worship services and vestry meetings as well as other meetings. Also, Let us not forget Susan Wallace, who Zoom Powered the Daughters of the King training.
Hope you got some of those beautiful showers of rain-last Saturday, we got .4" and Monday .2" at Oatmeal. Our fall garden loved it. Thank you God.
One more thing---it's Labor Day Weekend---"Oatmeal Festival"----Friday night BBQ at Oatmeal and Saturday in Bertram---"Bring your sugar to the Oatmeal Festival".