Well, congratulations ladies; you did it again, THE RUMMAGE SALE WAS AND IS A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS--almost $6,000. Please get some REST, cause I know that y'all overdid yourselves. MANY THANKS TO ALL, GALS AND GUYS, THAT PARTICIPATED IN SO MANY, MANY WAYS.
Many thanks to Fr, Ben Long for filling in Sunday--as usual, an EXCELLENT SERMON. Fr. Michael will be back this coming Sunday, the 18th. By the way, he was viewing the service Sunday on ZOOM.
AND, the BIG STACK of "Firewood" from the dead tree, is GONE. Thanks again to ALL that participated.
SOME WORDS FROM Fr. Michael: As you all know, our beloved Dianne Williams is retiring and moving away. We will miss her terribly and are grateful for her continuing service to the parish. This means that we need to find a successor to her. I remind you that we are not to hire a parishioner for any paid position, including this vital one. I have written to priests in the neighboring parishes, and we will be publicizing the position through various media, but we want your help. If you know of someone who might be interested in this half-time position, please contact--or have them contact--Deana Geuther at 806-290-3118. It would be most helpful to find someone with a working knowledge of the Episcopal Church. Questions about salary, duties, etc., may be directed to Deana. Remember that we are barred from asking any potential candidates about their age, marital status, and other such details. Thank you all for your help!
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 ATTENDANCE: 40 In CHURCH 10 On Zoom 50 Total (thank you moms & grandmother)
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, September 18th, are: Layreaders......Linda Dyke & Rachel Bryson Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild........Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers...............David & Karen Leitch VPOD................Deana Geuther Coffee Hosts......Linda Dyke & Carol Weathers Altar Flowers given by...Deana Geuther in honor of her mother-in-law's birthday.
Speaking of Altar Flowers--it's easy to sign up....the Chart is in the Narthex by the front door---fill in your name by the date-----the florist handles the rest--they deliver them to the church and bill you ( easy enough, right?).
Thank you Jane Scheidler for shepherding Olivia Teall Craig and her 2 children, Sidney, age 6, and Scarlet, age 5, to and about Epiphany. The kids are getting to know Abbey Major's children and David and Karen's grandson, Anderson, as well as other visiting grandchildren, Let's All try to reach out to them and make them welcome. They live in Bertram but Olivia has a business in Liberty Hill.
Happy Birthday to Caden Walker, 09-15.
News from L A Care: The Central Texas Food Bank is very low on food so we can't order much. Lottie is buying food from HEB at regular retail prices. We serviced 249 families/721 people during August. Many people who have not been for years have returned. In need of crackers(a client gets only one sleeve) and 1 lb. bags of rice and dried(pinto) beans. Thank you Margaret Thomas, Epiphany's L A Care Board member. And thanks to 2 NEW VOLUNTEERS at L A Care from Epiphany.
Try to stop by the office and say goodbye to Dianne Williams, and say THANK YOU for all she has done for us. By the way: THANK YOU DIANNE FOR BEING YOU....you will be missed-God Bless.
Be a Blessing to ALL YOU MEET Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus +