There will be a Vestry meeting this Sunday, September 15 in the Youth Center. All are welcome to attend.
SUNDAY, September 8, 2024: ATTENDANCE: 30 in Church 9 online 39 total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, September 15th are: Lay Readers: Linda Myers and Mary Rubio Acolyte: Grady Gonzales Ushers: Carol and Jim Weathers VPOD: Otis Maclay Altar Guild: Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove
Altar Flowers have been given by Carol & Jim Weathers in honor of their grandchildren’s birthdays.
Quick reminder of the Rummage Sale beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, September 13 and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 14. There will also be a bake sale in the breezeway, coordinated by Nancy Heuss.
LA Care urgently needs plastic bags. If you can donate some, please bring them to the church or drop them off at LA Care. Thank you.
Community Kitchen will be serving free meals next Thursday, September 19 at Vandeveer Church of Christ beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all the children of the King of Kings.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
God says … Remember these four things: I will make a way for youI’m fighting your battlesPrayer is the best medicineTrust My timing