Mark Milanovich and family were at church Sunday filling up several pews. It was great to see how they support each other. Mark mentioned that Epiphany has a special place in their hearts and is grateful for our support and prayers.
Please keep the Milanovich, Burks, Cox, Hutson, and McMurtry families in your prayers for the recent deaths in their families. God Bless them ALL.
Our church office manager-secretary, Dianne Williams, will be retiring in October. She and John will be moving to Rockport to enjoy their retirement. We wish them the very best and will keep them in our prayers. Remember, a parish employee cannot be a member of the parish.
Daughters of the King--all are invited this coming Sunday for our group picture welcoming 3 new members: Ellen Lee Kris Picken and Mary Rubio! Please meet in the front of the church after the service.
Sunday, August 28th, 2022 attendance: 55 In Church 8 On Zoom 63 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, September 4, 2022 are: Layreaders..........Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Acolyte.................Grady Gonzales Altar Guild............Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers Ushers..................Sandy Arrington & Alicia White V P of D................Linda Myers Coffee Hosts.........Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Alter Flores are given by Diane Langley in memory of Tom.
Burnet County Community Emergency Response Team(CERT) will offer training for individuals for disasters in the near future--any questions contact Mary Jane Shanes at 806-292-6912.
Happy Birthday MaeSyn Gay Castillo and David McGinty and Frank Seidensticker, 09-03, Patty Murray, 09-06, and Rachel Bryson, 09-08.
RUMMAGE SALE---Please help start setting up after church Sunday. The sale is the Friday and Saturday, after Labor Day(09-09 & 09-10). Many thanks to ALL for everything you have put, and are putting into this sale.
F00d for thought: "Children do not enter this world with bad intentions. They do not come to wear us out, test our patience, or push us over the edge. They come to us with a need for love, connection, and belonging." (Rebecca Eanes)
Thank you Lord for the beautiful rain, 3.7" at Oatmeal so far.
Be a Blessing to all you meet, Be Safe and Healthy, Carpe every Diem, Rufus Arrington