"Epiphany Friends,
You should have (or will soon receive) your pledge cards FY 2021. I know this has been a difficult year for MANY reasons. I ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge, including time and talents, for 2021.
Even though we have not been able to meet in person, our expenses continue.
I wanted to share with you where our budget stands after the Third Quarter of 2020.
Our Annual budget ($121,880) calls for approximately $10,156, Per Month to pay expenses (this includes the annual payment of insurance and the note on our building).
At the end of the Third Quarter (September) we have collected an average of $8,263 per month for a total of $74,370, Which is approximately 62.66% of our budget.
At the end of the Third Quarter (September) we should have collected around $91,410 or 75% of our annual budget.
Historically our income is less during the summer months, so I am hopeful that things will turn around the Fall!
Please prayerfully consider your pledge for 2021 and return your pledge cards ASAP. The budget committee will be meeting around the 15th of October to start working on expenses for the coming year and we need your input to make Epiphany the best that it can be!
Hope to see many of you in the parking lot this coming Sunday! And I'm looking forward to our next baby step to re-entry!
Deborah Kelley
Sr. Warden"
Please keep Patty Murray in your prayers...she sees a specialist next week concerning her health.
Also, I communicated with Shane Guthrie...he said they had a rough time of it for a while with the COVID, but are now feeling much better. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Talked with Susan Mitchell...they are off to New Mexico. Tom is feeling much better and they feel safer out where masks are required by the governor. Good to hear from them.
Sunday October 4th....
Attendance: 19-----Parking Lot (Mae & Morgan were there)
Total: 40 (thank you for your commitment)
****Thanks you Fr. Michael as you continue working to improve the parking lot service each Sunday for us non-technical people.
Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove are scheduled to read the Lessons and Prayers this coming Sunday, October 11.
Carol Weathers, Margaret Thomas, and Sandy Arrington began yesterday starting to sort things to get things ready for a fall rummage sale sometime before Christmas. Watch for other opportunities to be of help......thanks to ALL those many hands that make the work go faster.
Celebrating a belated birthday is Allison Long.
Celebrating birthdays are: Haiden Hutson-10-10,
Elijaah Montemayer-10-12,
Ray Hawkins-10-13, Jan Scheidler-10-13.
FYI-----Early voting begins October 13......CARTS is offering FREE Rides to the Polling Places.
We are going to start closing the Estar each week with a Quote...if you have a favorite one, send it to us...we will try and use it.
"The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right
over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity...these are the choices
that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back; for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing." ------thank you Bill Callaway
Stay safe and well
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
(on the north banks of Oatmeal Creek, a hop, skip, and a jump from Springtown)
You should have (or will soon receive) your pledge cards FY 2021. I know this has been a difficult year for MANY reasons. I ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge, including time and talents, for 2021.
Even though we have not been able to meet in person, our expenses continue.
I wanted to share with you where our budget stands after the Third Quarter of 2020.
Our Annual budget ($121,880) calls for approximately $10,156, Per Month to pay expenses (this includes the annual payment of insurance and the note on our building).
At the end of the Third Quarter (September) we have collected an average of $8,263 per month for a total of $74,370, Which is approximately 62.66% of our budget.
At the end of the Third Quarter (September) we should have collected around $91,410 or 75% of our annual budget.
Historically our income is less during the summer months, so I am hopeful that things will turn around the Fall!
Please prayerfully consider your pledge for 2021 and return your pledge cards ASAP. The budget committee will be meeting around the 15th of October to start working on expenses for the coming year and we need your input to make Epiphany the best that it can be!
Hope to see many of you in the parking lot this coming Sunday! And I'm looking forward to our next baby step to re-entry!
Deborah Kelley
Sr. Warden"
Please keep Patty Murray in your prayers...she sees a specialist next week concerning her health.
Also, I communicated with Shane Guthrie...he said they had a rough time of it for a while with the COVID, but are now feeling much better. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Talked with Susan Mitchell...they are off to New Mexico. Tom is feeling much better and they feel safer out where masks are required by the governor. Good to hear from them.
Sunday October 4th....
Attendance: 19-----Parking Lot (Mae & Morgan were there)
Total: 40 (thank you for your commitment)
****Thanks you Fr. Michael as you continue working to improve the parking lot service each Sunday for us non-technical people.
Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove are scheduled to read the Lessons and Prayers this coming Sunday, October 11.
Carol Weathers, Margaret Thomas, and Sandy Arrington began yesterday starting to sort things to get things ready for a fall rummage sale sometime before Christmas. Watch for other opportunities to be of help......thanks to ALL those many hands that make the work go faster.
Celebrating a belated birthday is Allison Long.
Celebrating birthdays are: Haiden Hutson-10-10,
Elijaah Montemayer-10-12,
Ray Hawkins-10-13, Jan Scheidler-10-13.
FYI-----Early voting begins October 13......CARTS is offering FREE Rides to the Polling Places.
We are going to start closing the Estar each week with a Quote...if you have a favorite one, send it to us...we will try and use it.
"The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right
over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity...these are the choices
that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back; for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing." ------thank you Bill Callaway
Stay safe and well
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
(on the north banks of Oatmeal Creek, a hop, skip, and a jump from Springtown)