Don't know about you but these 5 Thursday months are really difficult at our place ---oh well, it will straighten out.....Now the neat things are these wonderful FALL MORNINGS, and the needed rain. We are going to have some Fall Gardens.
Sunday, October 3, 2021 attendance - 40
******Soon you will receive a letter from Fr. Michael concerning the annual Stewardship "campaign", along with the response Pledge Card and Return envelope (stamped). Please return them as soon as possible so the Budget Committee can begin financial planning for 2022. "We so appreciate all that everyone has done and are looking forward to 2022," Linda Myers, Sr. Warden.
Jim Curran came home from rehab last Friday. We talked with Maureen Tuesday morning and she commented that he is very weak. She is most appreciative of ALL that everyone is doing for them. Talked with Carol Guthrie Wednesday afternoon - R G has begun physical therapy. Please keep ALL in your prayers.
It is GOOD to see Covid cases in Burnet County going down and the number of ICU beds available are in double digits for a change.
Layreaders this coming Sunday, October 10, are Sherry Musgrove and Diane Hays.
Happy birthday to Haiden Hutson, 10-10, Chelbi Ford, 10-11, Elijah Montemayor, 10-12, and Ray Hawkins and Jane Scheidler, 10-13.
******Don't Forget to send in corrected contact information for the 2022 Church Directory.
NEW INFORMATION FOR GEORGE & BOBBIE CLEAR: 522 Russell Park, San Antonio, Texas 78620