"Ben and I switched-he will be there this Sunday. Otis and I are working
on improving the quality of the Sunday Eucharist for those at home. Good
to see Elizabeth and Bill Drake last Sunday. Thanks for all your patience as
we continue to work on our 'hybrid' service."
The November, December, and January "Day by Day" Booklets are in the
Church Office. They are $1.00 each. You can pick them up and there is a
cup for the money.
As Fr. Michael and the Vestry formulate plans for next year, please keep them
in your prayers. And please turn in Your Pledge Cards. Thank you.
Sunday, October 18:
Attendance: 12 Parish Hall
18 Zoom
Total: 30
From Diane Hays, Treasurer : For 2021, currently there are 24 pledges.
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the Lessons and Prayers this
coming Sunday, October 25th.
** Oops----Belated Happy Anniversary to Bruce and Staci McComas 10-20......
Happy Birthday to: Mark Pack--10-23
Please do not succumb to Pandemic Fatigue---wear your mask and practice
social distancing. Do your part to stay healthy and help reduce the Covid-19
Virus in Burnet County and Elsewhere . Take time to read Dr. Madrigal's article
in dailytrib.com on 10-20-2020 on Pandemic Fatigue. It just reiterates what we
know and are practicing at Epiphany and in our daily lives. What a way to make a
statement about what you believe in. (o.k., I will get down from my tree stump)
Have a blessed week
Stay Safe
Carpe every diem'
Rufus and Sandy
on improving the quality of the Sunday Eucharist for those at home. Good
to see Elizabeth and Bill Drake last Sunday. Thanks for all your patience as
we continue to work on our 'hybrid' service."
The November, December, and January "Day by Day" Booklets are in the
Church Office. They are $1.00 each. You can pick them up and there is a
cup for the money.
As Fr. Michael and the Vestry formulate plans for next year, please keep them
in your prayers. And please turn in Your Pledge Cards. Thank you.
Sunday, October 18:
Attendance: 12 Parish Hall
18 Zoom
Total: 30
From Diane Hays, Treasurer : For 2021, currently there are 24 pledges.
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the Lessons and Prayers this
coming Sunday, October 25th.
** Oops----Belated Happy Anniversary to Bruce and Staci McComas 10-20......
Happy Birthday to: Mark Pack--10-23
Please do not succumb to Pandemic Fatigue---wear your mask and practice
social distancing. Do your part to stay healthy and help reduce the Covid-19
Virus in Burnet County and Elsewhere . Take time to read Dr. Madrigal's article
in dailytrib.com on 10-20-2020 on Pandemic Fatigue. It just reiterates what we
know and are practicing at Epiphany and in our daily lives. What a way to make a
statement about what you believe in. (o.k., I will get down from my tree stump)
Have a blessed week
Stay Safe
Carpe every diem'
Rufus and Sandy