Dear, patient, people of Epiphany, Finally! It’s time for us to get back together in church this Sunday, October 24. In order to do that as safely as possible, and keenly aware of the responsibility you have given us, members of the Regathering Committee want to remind you of a few things.
We can’t guarantee that this is permanent. If the numbers of people testing positive and ICU bed occupancy dramatically increase we might have to return to Zoom-only for a while.
Appropriate masks covering nose and mouth are required in church (the familiar blue paper one, or three layers of cloth). We will provide masks if you don’t have one. We will take temperature outside the church door, with people lined up at six-foot intervals. Social distancing inside is up to you and your level of comfort, except during Communion. At time for Communion I will stand at the crossing in front of the altar rail to administer the hosts (wafers). People will line up in the center aisle at six-foot intervals. There will be a Lay Reader with a chalice at each side for those who wish to receive wine by invitation. “Coffee hour” will be online only, hosted by Susan Wallace as I make my way to the office for Bible study (also online only).
Those who have been in the church can bring laptops or use their phones for Bible study in the parish hall or library or even in their car.
We thank you again for your patience and your willingness to do what’s necessary to maintain a remarkable record: even though a handful of Epiphany people have had the coronavirus, no one has contracted it at or through Epiphany.
We look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in church (or online, as we will continue to offer that Zoom option, probably for ever). Grace and peace,
The Rev. Michael Long (and other members of the Regathering Committee: Sandy Arrington, Rachel Bryson, RG Guthrie, Karen Leitch, Sherry Musgrove, Linda Myers, Susan Wallace, and Carol Weathers)
Sunday, October 17, 2021 : Attendance: 30 On Zoom.
If you have not done so, please return your 2022 Pledge Cards as soon as possible. Only about half of them have been received which makes it difficult to put a Budget together. FEEL FREE to bring your Pledge Cards to Church Sunday.
We hope you have taken time to return your correct contact information for the 2022 Church Directory.
Vestry Meets Tonight at 6:00 P. M.
The Church Office will be CLOSED on 10-26-21, Dianne, the Office Manager, has a doctor's Appointment.
Layreaders this coming Sunday, October 24th are David and Karen Leitch.
Happy Birthday to Mark Pack 10-23.
Be a Blessing to Others, Be safe and Stay Healthy, Carpe every diem, Rufus and Sandy