Let's begin by saying THANK YOU to Fr. Ben Long for filling in for Fr. Michael Long who was away Sunday. Excellent sermon, as usual, and so polished in his celebration of the Eucharist and conducting the service. In case you missed it, he was traveling on 2 wheels.
Regard the Church Prayer List---for additions, deletions, or corrections contact Fr. Michael.
MFISD vs. BCISD squared off in 2 ways last week--1st in collecting for the local food pantries--L A Care in Burnet and the Helping Center in Marble Falls. BCISD lost to MF-they collected 2850 lbs. where MF collected 400 lbs. more. Many thanks to both school districts. And if you have not heard, Burnet 28 and Marble Falls-14.
******* The Pastoral Care Committee will meet in the Library with Fr. Long after the 10:30 service this coming Sunday, the 23rd. There will be time to grab a cup of coffee.******
Several members of the church: Cecile Gloier, Diane Hays, and Sherry Musgrove are getting ready to have surgery--know that our prayers will be with you and for you- God Bless Each of You.
Sunday, October 16, 2022 attendance: 24 In Church 7(?) Zoomies(they were trying but once again picture but no sound) 31 Total(?)
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, October 23rd are: Layreaders........David Leitch & R G Guthrie Acolyte...............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild...........Diane Hays, Barbara DeHart & Susan Wallace Ushers................ Susan Wallace & Alicia White VPOD..................David Leitch Coffee Hosts.......Cecile Gloier & Diane Langley Altar Flowers Given By..............Deana Geuther
Many Thanks to ALL of you who serve at the Altar.
On a final note, please, all of you, try to keep me informed as I assume I am going to provide communication to the parish--nobody in the office and the priest here only on Sundays and vestry meeting days.
Happy Birthday to Mark Pack, 10-23(On Vacation In Italy & Spain).
The Community Thanksgiving Lunch will be at Vandeveer Church of Christ on Thanksgiving Day from 11 until 2----Volunteers are needed to cook, serve, clean up and help-if you can help, contact Nancy Heuss at 512-755-4341.
Don't forget your Flu shots and Boosters.
Be a Blessing to All you Meet
Stay healthy and be safe Carpe every diem Rufus Arrington (the epiphany crier)