Sunday, we said an official goodbye(???) to Dianne Williams, our office manager and church secretary with a minimal amount of tears(tongue in cheek) at the 10:30 worship service. It was followed by a beautiful, bountiful luncheon in the Parish Hall. Ladies, you outdid yourselves with the help of a few guys. You noticed the question marks? It is my understanding that Dianne is going to help us out from home for a while. Will let you know more about the office as I learn what the game plan is but,Chuthere will not be anyone in the office for regular hours.
This coming Sunday, the16th, Fr. Michael Long will be out of town but Fr. Ben Long will be with us. Fr. Michael Long is going to West Virginia for the retirement of their Bishop who was his curate 40 years ago. He said it would be the last time for him to be gone this year.
We have been missing a few people: Lee and Linda Myers, out with covid but tested negative on Monday and Abbey Major and family, out with a bout with colds and followed with the flu, and Ellen Lee with Covid who is testing negative now--whew, please keep ALL in your prayers.
Sunday, October 9, 2022 attendance: 34 In Church 8 On Zoom 42 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, October 16, are: Layreaders.........Linda Myers & Diane Hays Acolyte................Grady Gonzales Altar Guild,,,,,,,,,,,Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers................Jim & Carol Weathers VOPD..................Diane Langley Coffee Hosts........Ellie Burks & Margaret Thomas Altar Flowers given by ..............Diane Hays
Happy Anniversary to Bruce and Staci McComas, 10-20.
Happy Birthday to Ray Hawkins and Jane Scheidler, 10-13, and Linda Dyke, 10-16.
I would like to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Grady Gonzales, our faithful Acolyte. He is truly a good and faithful servant.
A Blurb from Susan for our Zoomies: "Hi--it's Susan and I goofed this past Sunday. I signed into the wrong router at church (we have 2 now), and the other one lost my connection halfway through service. Otis fixed it, and let me know how to sign in using my laptop in the future. I am hoping that my gaming laptop is providing a better experience(faster CPU). Also, to warn you, both Father Michael and Otis will be away from us this coming Sunday, so please pray for both Cranz and me as we try to cover all the music and Zoom activities!"
I might add that I am truly grateful to know Epiphany has more than 1 or 2 "techs", and that they are jumping in to give it a's ALL FOREIGN TO ME, but thank you dear friends.
The Community Thanksgiving Lunch will be held at the same place as last year- Vandeveer Church of Christ on Hwy 29 from 11-2. Help is needed to cook turkeys, make dressing and the sides and serve, clean-up, and set-up and take-down. If you would like to help, contact Nancy Heuss at 512-755-4341.
******* FYI---I will be mailing the estar to those that do not receive it by email. Dianne gave me address labels, stamps, and envelopes.*******
L A Care Food Drives: This Saturday, the 15th, Amory Jackson, Miss Texas Universal Beauty Queen, age 10-12, is holding a Food Drive from 9 a.m. to noon at Vandeveer Church of Christ in Burnet.
KBEY Food Drive will be WEDNESDAY, 11-09. at the Burnet Fire Station on Hwy 281 from 6a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
On Going Needs for L A Care: Dry Cereal, Oatmeal, Canned Meats, 1 # Pkg Dry Pinto Beans, & Dry Pasta..... (If you would like to bring your items to church, I will see that they get to L A Care).
Be A Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington 5112-217-0812