Well, Fall is officially here—cool crisp days and nights—-enjoy before the next blast of warm air. Check out the luscious Salvia Greggii -as well as the daisies, asters, and fall plants with their colors. These are truly gifts from God, just a reminder. And birdwatchers, keep your eyes open for migrating new birds.
Some words from Fr. Michael:
"It has been so good to see everyone on Sunday morning, and I am happy that we can gather together, even in that unusual way in our parking lot. We are considering what we might do as a next step, especially in light of Bishop Doyle's recently published guidelines. Those joining us by Zoom form an essential part of our parish family, and a major concern is how to keep all of us---at the church and at home--as connected as we have been for these seven months. Please continue to be as patient as you have been thus far. Zoom has just changed some of their procedures, so please read this week's invitation carefully (I'll probably send it to you on Saturday), and do share any insights or ideas you have that can help us stay connected. You can email those to any Vestry member or me with suggestions."
Sunday, September 27:
Attendance: 21 Parking Lot
18 Zoom (4 phone numbers not in NEW church directory)
*****Shortly, you will be receiving a Stewardship Letter from Fr. Michael with a Pledge Card for 2021. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you.
Those scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday, October 4, are R. G. Gutherie and Rachel Bryson.
Happy Birthday to R. G. Guthrie who celebrates his birthday October 1.
Jim Curran who celebrates his birthday on October 3 and to
Lynne Gray who celebrates her birthday on October 7.
We received word from Dianne Williams that Patty Murray is in Seton Highland Lakes.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Stay well and safe,
Carpe Every Diem,
Rufus and Sandy
Some words from Fr. Michael:
"It has been so good to see everyone on Sunday morning, and I am happy that we can gather together, even in that unusual way in our parking lot. We are considering what we might do as a next step, especially in light of Bishop Doyle's recently published guidelines. Those joining us by Zoom form an essential part of our parish family, and a major concern is how to keep all of us---at the church and at home--as connected as we have been for these seven months. Please continue to be as patient as you have been thus far. Zoom has just changed some of their procedures, so please read this week's invitation carefully (I'll probably send it to you on Saturday), and do share any insights or ideas you have that can help us stay connected. You can email those to any Vestry member or me with suggestions."
Sunday, September 27:
Attendance: 21 Parking Lot
18 Zoom (4 phone numbers not in NEW church directory)
*****Shortly, you will be receiving a Stewardship Letter from Fr. Michael with a Pledge Card for 2021. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you.
Those scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday, October 4, are R. G. Gutherie and Rachel Bryson.
Happy Birthday to R. G. Guthrie who celebrates his birthday October 1.
Jim Curran who celebrates his birthday on October 3 and to
Lynne Gray who celebrates her birthday on October 7.
We received word from Dianne Williams that Patty Murray is in Seton Highland Lakes.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Stay well and safe,
Carpe Every Diem,
Rufus and Sandy