From Ashley Harper-Oberle: Two venerable and beloved Church feast days happen this week – The Feast of All Saints’ and The Feast of All Souls’. All Saints’ Day, or All Hallows’ Day, is one of the principle feasts of the Church Year, and is set aside as the day when the Church remembers the saints of God – known and unknown. It is one of the few Feast Days that, when falling on a day Monday through Saturday, can be moved to Sunday (and, incidentally, it is one of the four Sundays especially appropriate for baptism.) While the origins of All Saints’ Day aren’t known, its roots probably go back to the 4th Century, when a feast for all the martyrs was observed in May. It wasn’t until around 735 that Pope Gregory III declared a Feast of All Saints on November 1. While the Feast of All Saints’ celebrates the saints of God, known and unknown, who have died, All Souls’ Day celebrates relatives and loved ones (the “rest of us” faithful whose lives do not merit a day on the Church Calendar) who have died. All Saints’ and All Souls’ became inextricably connected – sometimes being called Allhallowtide or Hallowmas season, being observed on November 1 and November 2, respectively. The Feast of All Saints’ is especially important in the Episcopal Church. We often speak of “the Communion of Saints,” and All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day remind us of our belief that all Christians that ever lived, are living, and will ever be, are bound together in one Communion – the Body of Christ. All Saints’ and All Souls’ celebrates this bond as we continue the ancient practice of praying for the saints who have gone on before us and acknowledge that those saints in heaven are praying for us.
Renovations Updates: DC Restoration has completed (as of today) the cleaning in the attic space, with replacement of the ceiling tiles and insulation in the PH. There will be a “walk through” with DC Restoration in the near future to tag any items that need to be repaired before the final papers can be signed off. We are getting very close to the end of the renovations to the Parish Hall! Many thanks to Deana Geuther and Cranz Nichols for their untiring devotion to Epiphany! They have given many hours of their time to see this restoration project has been brought to fruition. Thank you to everyone on the Restoration Committee too. It has been a true labor of love.
Epiphany is also tremendously grateful to the Diocese of Texas for sending us much needed funds for the COVID and Disaster Relief. These funds will certainly help us finish our restoration work!
SUNDAY, October 29, 2023: Attendance: 27 In Church 7 On Zoom 34 Total
Epiphany had new visitors on Sunday, October 29th: Donna and Paul Brent of Burnet. Thank you for visiting our church! Please come back as often as you can.
Our Mission: To be part of God’s family, growing through worship and ministry by sharing Christ’s love with our community and beyond.
Our Vision: To be a place where people find God’s purpose for their lives and become empowered by the Holy Spirit to make a difference in God’s world.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, November 2nd are:
Layreaders……….Linda Myers and Mary Rubio Altar Guild……..Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove Acolyte…………...Grady Gonzales Ushers…………….Deana Geuther and Susan Wallace VOPD…………….Susan Wallace Alter Flowers Given by………….Karen and David Leitch in thanksgiving for Alfred and Elsie Coffee Hosts……Linda Myers and Carol Hervey
We pray for those traveling this week.
We pray in thanksgiving with those who celebrate anniversaries and birthdays this week, Dale Petty (11/06) and Mike and Deborah Kelley (11/11).
We pray for all who have died, especially Frank Tipton and Martin Williams, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom. We pray also for all who mourn their passing.
A quick reminder too about the Stewardship Letter and Pledge Cards being mailed out this week. We appreciate your prompt return of the pledge cards!
The 2023 Church Directory has been updated. There will be a few directories in the Narthex for your convenience. If you would prefer to have the directory emailed to you, please let Janet Wilton know. Please let her know if there are additions and/or corrections.
LACare is very grateful for all the support and volunteers from Epiphany Church!
Community Kitchen is every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. November 2 is our turn to host and prepare the meal for approximately 100 people in the community. Today’s menu is baked potatoes with chili and other toppings with a side of green beans. Be sure to pick up your dinner before 5:00 p.m. Many thanks to those who volunteer from Epiphany – they are VERY good cooks! Stop by and say thank you!
Market Day in Burnet: Cousins Lobster Food Truck will be at the market this Saturday with Lobster Rolls, Lobster, quesadillas, Lobster Bisque and more! Vendors will be bringing homemade tamales & salsas, fresh chicken and duck eggs, produce (okra, lettuce, peppers, green onions, herbs), local honey, pumpkin butter, apple butter, pear butter, pickled okra, Italian Camponata, Balsamic Onion Jam, Sourdough breads, cinnamon rolls, scones, gluten free and sugar free cookies and scones, sweet breads, wood crafts, jewelry, tshirts, and so much more. The market only has three more Saturdays to go so please join us. The weather looks to be a perfect day!
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“It is love, then, that you should strive for.” 1 Corinthians 14:1