We would like to say THANK YOU to the Burnet Community for the generous FOOD DONATIONS to L A Care this past week through the KBEY Fund Raiser and the Shady Grove "Turkey Trot"; some 2300 lbs. came in---thank all of you that participated.
ST. ANNE'S met yesterday and decided under the circumstances to DELAY the Rummage Sale until After Easter.
John Ragland was released from the hospital yesterday and is under the "watchful eyes" of Dianne Williams. R G is about the same. Maureen Curran said Jim is coming home Saturday. Please keep ALL in your prayers.
Sunday, November 14: Attendance: 6 On Zoom 21 In Church 27 Total
We have a New Sanctuary Candle--the Chain broke on the old one and it could note be repaired.
Please turn in your 2022 pledge cards if you have not done so. Thank you.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, November 21, are: Layreaders......Rachel Bryson & R G Gutherie(David L.) Ushers.............Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Altar Guild........Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch and Linda Myers V P of the Day..Sandy Arrington
***********VESTRY MEETS TODAY AT 6:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall.
Happy Birthday to Katie Pruessner-11-20 and Laurie Wagner-11-21.
Be a blessing to others, Be Safe, Carpe every Diem, Rufus & Sandy
P.S. If someone is going to cook a turkey for the dinner it needs to be roasted so that meat will fall off the bone, cooled, deboned completely (including legs and thys) cover with a gravy sauce over all. Cover with foil and freeze. You can get a pan to put the turkey in after cooking from me at the Looking Good Salon. If prepared in advance you can bring it to me at the salon. We will set up in the morning at the church of Christ fellowship hall at 8:00. We will serve from 11:00-2:00. Call me if you like to do a turkey, dressings, make a pie, or come help serve so I can put you on the list. Thank you . Nancy H. 512-755-4341