Today as I know you are aware we had quite a storm in the Burnet area. Much needed rain but lightning struck the bell tower of Epiphany, knocked some rocks off but the bell is hanging up there. The phones are out at the church office so be patient. We may have issues regarding zoom, etc. Talked with Mary Rubio in Lampasas where they had quite a hail storm but they are okay.
** Please return your Pledge Cards so the budget committee can get to work on a budget for 2023.
LACare is short on canned meats and cereal if you can help out. The Central Texas Food Bank is short on food as the special pandemic programs have ended.
There will be a special Thanksgiving Service at the Church of the Epicenter on November 20th at 5:00 P.M.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington (the epiphany crier)