Fr. Michael will be on vacation for the next two weeks. This coming Sunday, May 7th, the Rev. Dorothy Gremillion will be filling in for him.
About the Rev. Gremillion: “Published Author: My newest publication is “Dependable Prayers for Desperate Times: 10 Ways to Pray When You Hurt Like Hell from Spiritual Abuse.” I now have a website called Spirituality, in which I offer ministry to women who have been spiritually abused by someone in their church.
Mission Statement: “Empowering women who have been spiritually abused by someone in their church to discover their own path through healing toward unleashing their Ultimate Creative Potential in Christ.”
Another of my books, “Semblance of a Soul” on, is a one act play depicting the spirituality transformation one goes through when surrendering to God.
Spiritual Director: I’m a trained spiritual director and have been offering spiritual direction for over four decades. I engage in “holy listening” to people’s stories, reflect back to them what they’re saying, and pray with them. Offering spiritual direction is sacred as we journey together, seeking the One who made us and calls us to our own unique wholeness and giftedness.
Retreat Leader and Spirituality Speaker: As an Episcopal priest, I’ve had opportunities to design and lead quiet days, retreats, workshops, and seminars. I specialize in Classical Christian Spirituality, various forms of prayer, and praying the Bible. I’ve also attended many events as a retreatant and learner. For example, I worked my way through the 30-Day Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in a spirituality center in North Wales; I’m a certified Centering Prayer leader/teacher; I offer group Lectio Divina; and of course, whatever I design is Biblically based.”
Sunday, the Daughters of the King met in the “Youth Center.” They found it to be comfortable. A big “Thank You” to Audrey Maltos and the Martial Arts Class for making it so presentable. With all the conflict with damages and issues, it is good that we are being reminded of the wonderful physical assets that Epiphany has.
Some words from the Sr. Warden: “The design team is looking at paint and countertop samples this week in Marble Falls. Insurance covered all the electrical issues resulting from the lightning. It was a big bill. We will be holding a Zoom meeting with the Treasurer of the Diocese to determine what steps and actions we need to follow for financial assistance.”
Many thanks to Cecile Gloier and Susan Wallace for caulking the east wall of the administration building to keep it from leaking in the future. Of course, we won’t know if it works until it rains again hard from the east. Thanks again ladies.
SUNDAY, APRIL 30TH, 2023: ATTENDANCE: 36 In Church 7 On Zoom 43 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, May 7th, are: Layreaders........Sherry Musgrove & Mary Rubio Altar Guild.......Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Ushers...............Susan Wallace & Alicia White VOPD...............Cranz Nichols Coffee Hosts.....Ellen Lee & Mary Rubio Altar Flowers are given by......Jim & Linda Dyke In thanksgiving of Jeff and Sara
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study Group will meet, Tuesday, May 9th, at 10:00 a.m. in the library. The facilitators will be Lee Myers, Chapter 21 and Linda Myers, Chapter 22.
HELP, HELP, HELP--- Janet Wilton, the church office administrator, and I have been working on updating our church wedding anniversary and birthday lists. If we miss mentioning yours, please let us know. We have discovered some errors and hope to get everything corrected.
I pray that none of you had any serious issues from the hail and rain storm that came our way last Friday. It was a very concerning time. Fortunately, it did not last too long. At our house we had only nickel size hail stones.
Next week’s E-Star will have more information about the Rev. Janice Jones who will be filling in for Fr. Michael on the 14th of May.
BE A BLESSING to ALL that YOU MEET Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the "epiphany crier"