Hope you noticed that we had 10 Young People in Church Sunday. Very interesting--it is good. Hope you have gotten to meet Dallas & Susan Wallace and Deana Geuther, new Epiphanites. They came via Zoom.
From the Sr. Warden:
Greetings to Everyone! The E-Star is back under the Arrington’s care (thank you so much Sandy and Rufus!!) and in response to their kind invitation the Sr. Warden will have a regular contribution as part of the format. I’ll try to give helpful updates and as always you may contact me with any questions. How wonderful it’s been to worship together back in the church building! Our second Sunday went even smoother than the first… What a splendid Pentecost. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!
These are unique times as we navigate through the Covid Pandemic. Until this health crisis is completely behind us, we so appreciate everyone’s cooperation as we try to keep our whole congregation safe.
Now some important updates:
1. Epiphany will be the site for a Covid Vaccination Clinic for children ages 12 to 18 years. Adults may also register, but it’s especially for young people as CDC has now approved vaccinations for this age group. Anyone may register by calling the office of Dr. Lynne Gray,
512-219-8991. This age group is so important and we want all children to be protected. This is one way we can help our community. We will need volunteers to serve as clerical help the day of the Clinic, so if you would like to volunteer, please let me or Dianne Williams
in the church office know. The date of the first vaccination clinic is June 9 th ; the second vaccination clinic will be June 30 th .
2. The Vestry has approved a new special fund recommended by the Grounds Committee! The Yard Fund was created so that Epiphany members (or whomever) may designate special separate contributions to be used to pay for the upkeep of the yard. This would not be part of our regular annual pledges, but would be a special way for us to keep our grounds looking good, without having to actually mow the grass or edge the pavement—which most of us cannot do (or prefer not to!). A new lawn service (A Cut Above the Rest) has been selected after getting multiple bids and judging by our first service May 16 th , they do a marvelous job. You may make your payment to Church of the Epiphany (so it’s noted on your contributions), but be sure to note: for the Yard Fund.
3. Our missionary, Jeannie Loving, has retired. In response to this, the Vestry has approved that the loose plate offering will now be donated as follows: First Sunday in the Month to Priest’s Discretionary Fund. Second Sunday in the Month to Out Reach. (At the end of the year the annual amount will be donated to an Out Reach Effort, chosen & approved by the Vestry.)
Sunday Attendance: In Church---48; Zoom---- 9; Total ----57
Jim Curran is making improvements. He can move his hand and speech is improving. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers.
****We have been contacted by a parishioner that has a dishwasher, range & oven, washer & dryer, and ceiling
fans with lights that he needs to dispose of. They have to be removed from in-stallation. If you are
interested contact Rufus at 512-217-0812.
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study will meet June 8 in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m. till noon. They meet the 2nd Tuesdays of the month. They have elected to study The Acts of the Apostles.
The beautiful gladiolus Sunday were donated by the Altar Guild in memory of all former Altar Guild
members that served faithfully and lovingly for so many, many years.
*****Patty Murray has a boys bicycle that is looking for a good home, Call her at 512-715-8037.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, 5-30 are Jim & Carol Weathers-Lay readers, Bobby & George Clear Ushers, & Altar Guild-Diane Hays & Barbara DeHart.
Happy delayed Anniversary to Jane Scheidler and Otis Maclay.
Happy Birthday to J. J. Gonzales and Shelia Wilson.
Happy Anniversary to J. J. and Maria Gonzales.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem
Rufus & Sandy
From the Sr. Warden:
Greetings to Everyone! The E-Star is back under the Arrington’s care (thank you so much Sandy and Rufus!!) and in response to their kind invitation the Sr. Warden will have a regular contribution as part of the format. I’ll try to give helpful updates and as always you may contact me with any questions. How wonderful it’s been to worship together back in the church building! Our second Sunday went even smoother than the first… What a splendid Pentecost. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!
These are unique times as we navigate through the Covid Pandemic. Until this health crisis is completely behind us, we so appreciate everyone’s cooperation as we try to keep our whole congregation safe.
Now some important updates:
1. Epiphany will be the site for a Covid Vaccination Clinic for children ages 12 to 18 years. Adults may also register, but it’s especially for young people as CDC has now approved vaccinations for this age group. Anyone may register by calling the office of Dr. Lynne Gray,
512-219-8991. This age group is so important and we want all children to be protected. This is one way we can help our community. We will need volunteers to serve as clerical help the day of the Clinic, so if you would like to volunteer, please let me or Dianne Williams
in the church office know. The date of the first vaccination clinic is June 9 th ; the second vaccination clinic will be June 30 th .
2. The Vestry has approved a new special fund recommended by the Grounds Committee! The Yard Fund was created so that Epiphany members (or whomever) may designate special separate contributions to be used to pay for the upkeep of the yard. This would not be part of our regular annual pledges, but would be a special way for us to keep our grounds looking good, without having to actually mow the grass or edge the pavement—which most of us cannot do (or prefer not to!). A new lawn service (A Cut Above the Rest) has been selected after getting multiple bids and judging by our first service May 16 th , they do a marvelous job. You may make your payment to Church of the Epiphany (so it’s noted on your contributions), but be sure to note: for the Yard Fund.
3. Our missionary, Jeannie Loving, has retired. In response to this, the Vestry has approved that the loose plate offering will now be donated as follows: First Sunday in the Month to Priest’s Discretionary Fund. Second Sunday in the Month to Out Reach. (At the end of the year the annual amount will be donated to an Out Reach Effort, chosen & approved by the Vestry.)
Sunday Attendance: In Church---48; Zoom---- 9; Total ----57
Jim Curran is making improvements. He can move his hand and speech is improving. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers.
****We have been contacted by a parishioner that has a dishwasher, range & oven, washer & dryer, and ceiling
fans with lights that he needs to dispose of. They have to be removed from in-stallation. If you are
interested contact Rufus at 512-217-0812.
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study will meet June 8 in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m. till noon. They meet the 2nd Tuesdays of the month. They have elected to study The Acts of the Apostles.
The beautiful gladiolus Sunday were donated by the Altar Guild in memory of all former Altar Guild
members that served faithfully and lovingly for so many, many years.
*****Patty Murray has a boys bicycle that is looking for a good home, Call her at 512-715-8037.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, 5-30 are Jim & Carol Weathers-Lay readers, Bobby & George Clear Ushers, & Altar Guild-Diane Hays & Barbara DeHart.
Happy delayed Anniversary to Jane Scheidler and Otis Maclay.
Happy Birthday to J. J. Gonzales and Shelia Wilson.
Happy Anniversary to J. J. and Maria Gonzales.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem
Rufus & Sandy