Sunday was the first Sunday of Pentecost. RED was the COLOR of the day. The priest's vestments, the Altar Hangings, the beautiful Red Flowers, and also, a popular color for many of those in attendance at the service. By the way, the beautiful Red Flowers were paid for by members of the Altar Guild. Thank all of you so very much.
SUNDAY, May 19, 2024: ATTENDANCE: 31 in Church 8 online 39 total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, May 26th are: Lay Readers: Carol and Jim Weathers Ushers: Deana Geuther and Margaret Thomas VPOD: David Leitch Altar Guild: Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch and Linda Myers Altar Flowers have been given by Jane Scheidler and Otis Maclay
A special thank you to Cranz Nichols, our faithful Junior Warden, for repairing the mirror frame and installing it back in the vesting room, aka, choir room.
PEC recognized Epiphany with a check for providing community service to Burnet.
The VESTRY would like to say thank you to Janet Wilton for providing light lunches at the Vestry Meetings.
A sound was missing Sunday-the wonderful sound that only children make with excitement and happiness. Looking forwarding to hearing them soon........
Father Michael Long will be out of town next week from Monday through Thursday.
As the Memorial Day Weekend approaches, we need to remember those men and women veterans who gave their lives for this country and our freedom today. May we never forget their sacrifices. Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“O God, we ask your strength, that we might dedicate ourselves to perfecting your kingdom of peace and justice among nations. Let us give thanks for the many blessings of freedom which we possess, purchased at the cost of many lives and sacrifices. Fill us with courage to fulfill our tasks and in no way break faith with the fallen. We commend these fallen to your mercy and ask that you give them eternal rest. This we ask and pray in your name. Amen.” --from the Memorial Day Service 2017 at the Washington National Cathedral