It is with sadness that we begin by reporting the death of the Rev. Christine Kenney who died May 14 of pancreatic cancer. Please keep her husband Joe in your prayers. You will recall that she served as Supply Priest several times for us at Epiphany. What a loss for all......
You are invited to a celebration of the life of John Mather on May 29th. More information can be gotten from the invitation sent by his son Rob which is posted on the bulletin board outside the office.
Sunday, May 15th attendance: 32 In Church 4 On Zoom 36 Total
You may have noticed that we were having some technical problems with Zoom on Sunday. I assure you that we are doing everything that we can to correct the issue. We continue to learn and strive for "better". Thank you for your patience.
Daughters of the King will meet after church next Sunday, the 29th.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, May 22nd are: Layreaders.......Jim and Carol Weathers Acolytes............Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Ushers..............Deanna Geuther and Susan Wallace Altar Guild......Sue Brunson and Nancy Petty V P of D............Rachel Bryson Coffee Hosts.....Sandy Arrington and Pat Bass
St. Anne's is gearing up for the "UPCOMING RUMMAGE SALE" the Friday and Saturday after Labor Day, September 9 and 10.
Happy Anniversary to Jane Scheidler and Otis Maclay, May 25th.
Be a Blessing- to All You Meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem