Sunday our visiting priest was the Rev. Janice Jones, loaded with enthusiasm, and a true delight. She has been at Epiphany before. And she left the church headed to the airport where she was to fly to England to visit her son and family in Cambridge. Her closing words were “Live and Love.”
Some words from the sr. warden: “We met with the insurance adjuster on Friday, May 12 for the recent hail damage to the church roof. He observed the water-stained ceilings and fully inspected the roofs of the entire property. Deana”
*******Attention Vestry Members---this week's VESTRY MEETING has been moved to NEXT Thursday, May 25 at 5:30******** from Deana*****
Please keep Linda Myers and Jane Scheidler, who are recovering from surgery, in your prayers as well as Lee and Otis. I might add Mary Hart who is continuing her battle with health issues and Bert McNelly who had his first chemo treatment yesterday. Don’t forget their loving and supportive families. Also, RG, who had surgery for an intrathecal pump.
Fr. Michael will be back from vacation this coming Sunday, the 21st. Hopefully he and Cheri had a wonderful vacation. It will be good to have him back.
Steven Tomlinson will be preaching this coming Sunday. As I recollect, Steven said he would probably be leaving in June. That is not far off.
SUNDAY, MAY 14TH, 2023: Attendance: 29 In Church 4 On Zoom 33 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday. May 21st are: Layreaders.......Linda Dyke & Diane Hays Altar Guild......Cecile Gloier Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Ushers..............David & Karen Leitch VOPD..............Otis Maclay Altar flowers given by .........Otis Maclay & Jane Scheidler in celebration of their wedding anniversary
Happy Anniversary to Otis Maclay and Jane Scheidler, May 25th.
Happy Birthday to Janet Wilton, May 19th.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Stay Healthy and Be Safe Carpe every diem Rufus Arrington the “epiphany crier”