It was a VERY busy weekend at Epiphany with La Verne Broad's funeral on Saturday and the baptism of Christian and Aurora on Sunday. I mention these events to say a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE EPIPHANITES THAT WORKED SO HARD TO MAKE THEM SPECIAL FOR ALL. Well done folks....
Thank you also to those who participated in the CHOIR at the Funeral under Otis's direction.
*******COFFEE HOUR will continue on Sundays after the Worship Service--Bible Study will follow after 10 or 15 minutes at the end of the room.********
Have you noticed how the sound has improved during the Worship Service with the Lessons and Sermon being given from the Lectern?
*********HELP,Help----L A Care needs your help this Saturday, 5-14, in sorting food donations coming in from the Rural Postal Food Drive between 10:30 and 4:00. Thank you for every minute of your precious time.**********
Sunday, May 8th Attendance: 44 In Church 4 On Zoom 48 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, May 15th are: Layreaders.............David & Karen Leitch Ushers...................Deana Geuther & Susan Wallace Acolytes................Grady & Jaxon Gonzales Altar Guild...........Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers VP of D.................Susan Wallace
The Flowers this Sunday, 5-15, are given by David and Karen Leitch to the glory of God and in thanksgiving of their daughter, Ann. Thank you dear friends.
Happy Anniversary to Shon and Melinda Lovelace on 5-13.
Happy Birthday to Carol Guthrie and Roy Heuss on 5-12 and Isaiah Montemayor on 5-13.
You know, it has been said, "You don't know if you have a leak until it rains"--Well folks, we have a leak in the Parish Hall Roof---let's get-ur done----no more band-aids----get it done properly. This is directed to the Vestry, please. Thank You Ms. Jr. Warden, Rachel Bryson, for getting right on it.
Epiphany is ALIVE and Well, Thanks be to God. Alleluia, Alleluia!
Be a Blessing to ALL you meet Be safe and healthy Carpie every Diem