Let me begin by correcting an error in last week's E-Star, Janet Wilton, our parish administrator purchased the computer monitor. It is convenient that she can use it at home as well as the office.
Hope that you were able to catch Fr. Michael's Lenten study last night. It was at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom and will be there every Wednesday during Lent. The study is on hymns from the Episcopal Hymnal. Watch for his connection details.
Sorry to hear about the death of Tim Erskine. Please keep his family in your prayers.
I heard Sunday that Nancy Heuss's son, Romann Lyons, had a heart attack. Yesterday I learned he had 2 stents put in and is doing much better. Please keep him in your prayers. Talked with Rachel Bryson and she is on the mend.
Our former parish administrator, Dianne Williams, her husband, John, fell this past weekend and broke the top of the femur in his hip. The hip had been replaced several years ago, so they are not going to do surgery. They are hoping it will mend on its own with help from physical therapy. He has started physical therapy in the Corpus Christi hospital and will be going into a rehab facility this week to continue with PT. Please keep Dianne and John in your prayers for healing.
Sunday Steven Tomlinson, our student intern, gave the sermon. One of his main points was we are creatures of habit, but when we step away from habit, we become creative. A good example is how you Epiphanites are greeting our visitors, rather than just visiting "ole” friends. The rewards are astonishing.
We had three visitors Sunday. Barbie Ott, one of them, was baptized by David Henry 4? years ago. The other 2 are non Epipcopalians, church shopping.
Marsha Bloxom, a regular attendee, will be here through Easter, as her daughter's surgery was postponed.
Don't forget that the Bishop's visitation is March 26th. Contact Fr. Michael if you wish to be confirmed or received.
Some words from the Sr. Warden: "Three delegates Linda Myers, Lee Myers and Deana Geuther attended the 174th Annual Council of the Diocese of Texas in Galveston Feb 24th and 25th. There were approximately 900 attendees at the business meeting this year. Fewer delegates were present for the workshops. We learned about the proposed Conical amendments that were recommended and passed. There were a few updates and tweaking of the language used to make them more timely and modern. No major changes were made. Sessions we attended included Metric Census data collection, Reaching Young adults Millennials and the Episcopal Health Foundation. Deana learned about new metrics added to the parochial report and the reason behind them, how to count data for online and hybrid worship and how to define for our own context. Engagement and retainment of visitors was discussed. Epiphany is doing great with greeting and engaging our visitors. The Diocese is in sound financial state coming out of COVID, with healthy reserves which were accessed during the Pandemic. The Restoration Committee continues to meet with contractors and a HVAC specialist about the char in the duct work. The martial arts group will be leasing the Youth Center an additional day a week, meeting on Mondays, starting in April. They are a dear and thoughtful group who truly appreciate Epiphany."
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2023: Attendance: 33 In Church 12 On Zoom 45 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, March 5th are: Layreaders........David Leitch & R G Guthrie Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild........Sue Brunson Ushers................Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove VPOD................R G Guthrie Coffee Hosts......Ellen Lee & Mary Rubio
Happy Anniversary to Dallas and Susan Wallace, 03-06.
Happy Birthday Lindsay Gray, 03-05.
Be a Blessing to All you Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington "the epiphany crier"