This is an E-Star I never thought I would write. However, I remember Michael saying in some communication that the E-Star was more important than ever now because that is the only way we have of keeping in touch with our Epiphany Family.
As you will remember there will NOT be services again this coming Sunday, the 22nd, at Epiphany and all Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Texas.
*******"Carl Heber has volunteered to help anyone in our congregation who needs help with whatever they need. Carl has volunteered with us at Community Kitchen Thanksgiving day dinners for years. He can transport, get groceries, help with yard work, etc. Contact him at 833-882-1117. Nancy Heuss."
We had started putting birthdays and anniversaries in the E-Star. We will put them in on Thursday for the next eek. Thus:
Happy Birthday, Tom Tinker, March 23 and Cissy Walker March 25
Happy Anniversary to Kris and George Picken March 24.
Please keep John Myers and Lee and Linda in your prayers. John's cancer has spread to the bones causing severe pain.
Bishop Doyle sent three prayers to the clergy. Michael asked that we include them in the E-Star. For us, they say it all.
" For Doctors, Nurses, and those who care for the sick:
Sanctify, O Lord those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries, the health of the community may be promoted, and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For those who are ill:
Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom: We commend to your loving care all those who suffer from any illness or disease. Relieve their pain, guard them against all danger, restore to them your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise them up to a life of service to you. Hear us, we pray, for you, dear Name's sake. Amen
For the clergy and People of the Diocese of Texas:
Almighty and everlasting God, from whom comes every good and perfect gift: Send down upon our bishops, and other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, especially during this time of concern and illness the healthful Spirit of your grace; and that they may truly please you, pour upon them the continual dew of your blessing. Grant this, O Lord, for the honor of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen."
Thank you, Michael, for sharing these prayers.
We just got word that Burnet schools will be closed until April 6. Please keep the children, teachers, and administrators in your prayers as they try to figure out how to deal with this. It is comforting to know that children will still be able to get breakfast and lunch at the schools. For some children, that is the only food they get.
Tomorrow, the dinner at Community Kitchen will be strictly take out, and L A Care is doing curb side pick-up.
Dianne Williams will be working from home for as long as is necessary.
The bills of the church will go on. If you can, please mail your pledge and any other offerings to the church.
We(well-Sandy) haven't talked to anyone about this, but if you have a need or a prayer request,
please let us know. We will do our best to get it to the right place. The Daughters of the King
will be praying every Friday evening from 7-8 until this pandemic is over.
God loves you, and so do we,
Carpe Every Diem.
Rufus and Sandy
As you will remember there will NOT be services again this coming Sunday, the 22nd, at Epiphany and all Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Texas.
*******"Carl Heber has volunteered to help anyone in our congregation who needs help with whatever they need. Carl has volunteered with us at Community Kitchen Thanksgiving day dinners for years. He can transport, get groceries, help with yard work, etc. Contact him at 833-882-1117. Nancy Heuss."
We had started putting birthdays and anniversaries in the E-Star. We will put them in on Thursday for the next eek. Thus:
Happy Birthday, Tom Tinker, March 23 and Cissy Walker March 25
Happy Anniversary to Kris and George Picken March 24.
Please keep John Myers and Lee and Linda in your prayers. John's cancer has spread to the bones causing severe pain.
Bishop Doyle sent three prayers to the clergy. Michael asked that we include them in the E-Star. For us, they say it all.
" For Doctors, Nurses, and those who care for the sick:
Sanctify, O Lord those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries, the health of the community may be promoted, and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For those who are ill:
Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom: We commend to your loving care all those who suffer from any illness or disease. Relieve their pain, guard them against all danger, restore to them your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise them up to a life of service to you. Hear us, we pray, for you, dear Name's sake. Amen
For the clergy and People of the Diocese of Texas:
Almighty and everlasting God, from whom comes every good and perfect gift: Send down upon our bishops, and other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, especially during this time of concern and illness the healthful Spirit of your grace; and that they may truly please you, pour upon them the continual dew of your blessing. Grant this, O Lord, for the honor of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen."
Thank you, Michael, for sharing these prayers.
We just got word that Burnet schools will be closed until April 6. Please keep the children, teachers, and administrators in your prayers as they try to figure out how to deal with this. It is comforting to know that children will still be able to get breakfast and lunch at the schools. For some children, that is the only food they get.
Tomorrow, the dinner at Community Kitchen will be strictly take out, and L A Care is doing curb side pick-up.
Dianne Williams will be working from home for as long as is necessary.
The bills of the church will go on. If you can, please mail your pledge and any other offerings to the church.
We(well-Sandy) haven't talked to anyone about this, but if you have a need or a prayer request,
please let us know. We will do our best to get it to the right place. The Daughters of the King
will be praying every Friday evening from 7-8 until this pandemic is over.
God loves you, and so do we,
Carpe Every Diem.
Rufus and Sandy