I, for one, found myself really struggling to get out Sunday with the time change. Steven Tomlinson, our student intern, gave the sermon. He said, "It is fitting that we have the time change in Lent. Lent is a time of repentance - lent means repentance." Interesting food for thought. Think about it......
Fr. Michael continues his Lenten Wednesday evening study series on hymns of the Episcopal Hymnal via zoom, at 6:00 p.m. Watch for the access codes he sends out.
Nancy Heuss has volunteered to be in charge of acquiring Easter Lilies for the Easter Service. Don't forget to contact her at 512-755-4341 or [email protected] to order them. They are $9.00 each. There is also a sign-up sheet in the church narthex.
Yes, the Bishop is coming March 26th for his annual visit. There will be two baptisms and two confirmations. A reception will follow. If you can help with refreshments, contact Carol Weathers. The reception will be in the library and hall of the administration building under the circumstances.
Some words from the senior warden: The restoration continues to meet bi-monthly. Cranz Nichols and R G Guthrie have joined the committee. We continue to persevere. Linda Myers is taking a pause from the restoration committee. Deana is filling in as committee head until her return.
SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2023:
Attendance: 39 In Church 8 On Zoom 7 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, March 19th are: Layreaders........Jim & Linda Dyke Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.......Diane Hays & Susan Wallace Ushers...............Susan Wallace & Alicia White VPOD...............Cranz Nichols Coffee Hosts.....Linda Dyke & Carol Weathers
Happy Anniversary to George and Kris Picken, 03-16.
Happy Birthday, Ellen Lee, 03-18.
Daughters of the King will not meet this month.
Be a Blessing to All That You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington "the epiphany crier"