EPIPHANY E-STAR – MARCH 14, 2024 The fourth Lenten Soup Supper was held on Wednesday, March 13. The delicious soups were prepared by Jane Scheidler, BJ Henry and Nancy Heuss. Thank you! We ended the evening a few minutes before 7:00 with the brief service "In the Early Evening" from "Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families" (page 139) in the Book of Common Prayer. We would love to have you join us at 5:30 this coming Wednesday, March 20th for the last of the Lenten series. We will discuss Holy Scripture, using Chapter 10, All Times Are Your Seasons, The Church Calendar and the Liturgical Year from “Walk in Love” as our guide.
PREPARATIONS FOR NAVE RENOVATIONS: More Progress! The “panic exit” hardware and closers have been installed on both the north and south doors in the Nave. The Junior Warden has also replaced the emergency “Exit” signs in the administration building and the Parish Hall in order to meet current Burnet Fire Codes.
Reminder from Deana Geuther: Georgie Nolan is currently serving as the trainer for “Safeguarding God’s People” at Epiphany. She will be retiring at the end of this year. With that in mind, we will need to find someone in the congregation that can take over as the trainer. Georgie will no doubt help with the training and curriculum involved. If you are interested, please get in touch with Janet Wilton (Parish Administrator) at the church office, 512-756-2334 or by email: [email protected].
BISHOP DOYLE’S TEXAS REUNION EVENT: The Episcopal Diocese of Texas and Bishop Doyle invite you to the Very First Grande Texas Family Reunion faith and fellowship weekend on May 3-5, 2024 at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas. Registration is open now! Retreat Rates: Hotel Lodging $210 per room, 4 person max Program/Meals: $152 per person (kids age 2 and under are free) Bishop Doyle is providing each family with a $100 discount on registration Packages Include: Six buffet meals, hotel room and most programming Check in at 5 pm Friday – check out at 1 pm Sunday Bishop Doyle will be leading worship on Sunday morning Weekend activities include Archery, fishing, swimming, biking, live music and much more! If you are interested in attending, please go to the website: epicenter.org for more event details and registration.
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2024: ATTENDANCE: 28 in church 11 online 39 total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, March 17th are: Lay Readers: Linda Myers and David Leitch Ushers: Deana Geuther and Margaret Thomas VPOD: Lee Myers Altar Guild: Cecil Gloier and Sherry Musgrove
Please join us for coffee in the Parish Hall following the service on Sunday.
Epiphany’s Vestry will meet Sunday, March 17th in the Youth Center following the Eucharist. All are welcome to join us.
As a reminder, the solar eclipse day, Monday, April 8, Father Michael has decided to have the Sunday Service (April 7) via zoom instead of everyone trying to maneuver around the city with all the extra visitors in town to watch the eclipse! He will send out the zoom link a few days before April 7.
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Community Kitchen is on Thursday, March 21st. Stop by and pick up your free dinner from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Vandeveer Church of Christ in Burnet.
Report from LA Care Board meeting: Immediate needs are oatmeal, personal hygiene items like shampoo and toothpaste (even travel size) and laundry detergent. There will be a Good Friday service at the Church of the Epicenter and the offering will go to LA Care. The Catholic Church has blackened and fried fish plates for $22 on Fridays during Lent. Proceeds go to the scholarship fund.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“Letting go of what no longer serves you is the easiest way to change. Nothing changes until you decide you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.” –Lisa Lieberman-Wang