Last night we had our first Lenten Study in the series for 2022 in person in the Parish Hall. It was wonderful for us TO BE BACK together IN PERSON. Starting next Wednesday we will have soup, before each session. Fr. Michael will be discussing the "Collects" from the Prayer Book. If you can't be there, Fr. Michael has sent a LINK so you view it on Zoom.
Starting next Sunday, March 13, we will be back to in person Worship services. The time, 10:30 a.m. is the same and the place, corner of Wood and Lehman is the same. Hope to see you there but if you cannot make it, Zoom services will also continue.
The NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY is available in the Narthex and the Church Office-- sure hope you did not "neglect" making any updates or corrections. Thank you Dianne Williams.
There are still a few Forward Day by Day's available at $1.00 each.
Attendance Sunday, March 6: 40 on Zoom
*********The following is a communication that Epiphany received recently from the Diocese of Texas regarding the "Bishop's Tour".... Hello EDOT Parish Administrators! I hope that you have heard by now about Bishop Doyle’s upcoming 360 Tour where he will be hosting seven Town Hall Events around the diocese. I am asking for your help in advertising these events. We want to get the word out to as many people in the diocese as possible. So, if you would please make sure that the tour is in your Sunday church announcements, weekly newsletters, and start putting it on your social media outlets. We have also created an insert that can be printed, cut up and placed in your Sunday bulletins. The template is attached for your use. I have also attached a banner image that can be used on social media. Please share this request with the appropriate staff members at your church.
The website to RSVP is: If you have any other suggestions to get the word out to your members, please let me know and I will do whatever I can do to help. Thank you in advance! I know that Bishop Doyle is really looking forward to these events and spending time with all of you.
Those serving this coming Sunday, the 13th , at the Worship Service are: Layreaders are Rachel Bryson and R G Guthrie, Altar Guild are Diane Hays and Barbara DeHart, Acolytes are Grady and Jaxon Gonzales, and Ushers are Margaret Thomas and Sandy Arrington.
Now that we are back to " in person" functioning at Epiphany there are are many tasks for our hands--be aware of sign-up sheets for Coffee Hosts, Making Soup for the Lenten Study Series, Meeting Schedules, Ushering, etc. We will try to make you aware of such as much as we can.
Happy Birthday to Grady Gonzales, 3-11 and Victoria Bailey, 3-16.
Happy Anniversary to George and Kristen Picken, 3-16.
Be a Blessing to all you meet, Be safe and stay healthy, Carpe every Diem, Rufus and Sandy