Okay folks, let's take it from the "TOP".....A great big Thank You to all of you Epiphanites that put together the Reception-Send-off for our Steven Tomlinson. It was overwhelming; and I want to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Karen Leitch, Deana Geuther, Lee and Linda Myers, and Rachel Bryson for coordinating and organizing it, and to ALL of you that Brought Wonderful Food and Goodies. All that worry, hard work, and concern really paid off. It was also good to see Eugene Sepulveda. Steven was most Appreciative his gifts from Epiphany and the Daughters of the King.
Steven gave another one of those super great sermons....."God is King, not Pharaoh, and People are made to carry out God's work." We are reminded of this every Sunday in the Last 2 paragraphs of our Sunday Bulletin with the Post Communion Prayer and The Blessing. "Steven said that he would be back to visit, and that he looks forward to the day he can read the Gospel at Epiphany. He said Epiphany has made an everlasting impression on him."
We who volunteer at The Community Kitchen would like to say a special Thank you to the 2 Angels that made contributions to the Community Kitchen.
The church received a communication from the Texas Department of Family and Protection Services regarding Community Connections. You may not be aware that there is a Children's Advocacy Center in Burnet that serves several of the surrounding counties. The Daughters of the King has supported it with snacks for the children and was in the process of being involved more when the pandemic hit.
June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, a time to learn about elder abuse and what you can do to help to prevent it. It's everyone's business to help prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
SUNDAY, JUNE 4TH, 2023: ATTENDANCE: 50 In Church 3 On Zoom 53 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, June 11th are: Layreaders.......Jim & Linda Dyke Altar Guild......Sue Brunson Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Ushers..............Deana Geuther & Rufus Arrington VPOD..............Rachel Bryson Altar Flowers Given By..........David & Karen Leitch in thanksgiving for their son, Allan. Coffee Hosts....Ellie Burks & Margaret Thomas
Happy Birthday to Sherry Musgrove (6/17).
Happy Anniversary to Deana and Mike Thomas, (6/6).
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Claire Harrah and Fred Butler on their marriage, (6/3).
Sherry Musgrove's surgery went well. Please remember her and others at Epiphany with special needs in your prayers.
Hope you got to see Bert and Melissa McNelly visiting at church Sunday.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe Every Diem Rufus Arrington the "epiphany crier"