Heard from the Sr. Warden that Renovation work in the Parish Hall is slated to start after the 4th of July holiday.
******On another note, Carol Weathers, president of St. Anne's, announced Sunday that the Annual Epiphany Rummage Sale will take place in September. DO NOT start bringing items until the Place Where it will Occur, has been announced. And DO NOT BRING YOUR GARBAGE OR TRASH---dump it somewhere else. Please, don't put it in the storage building or hall ways. Thank you.......**********
The New Circuit Board has been installed and ALL 4 A/C's are working together. Thank you to our Jr. Warden and committed electrician. Man, it was almost "chilly" in the Nave Sunday. Teehee.....
Refurbishment in the Youth Center, old parish hall, continues to progress. Lots of "deep cleaning" by some and the Jr. Warden continues to sling a mean paint brush. Many thanks to ALL that are participating. HELP- HELP-HELP, we need someone talented in patching Dry-Wall to assist the Jr. Warden in the Youth Center-thank you.........
Hope you got a chance Sunday to meet a new member, Margie Tiemann, a cradle Episcopalian, that has just moved to the area from Lockhart. Loved her words when she said, you got me now. I might add she has already signed up to volunteer at L A Care. Step out and introduce yourself.
This coming Sunday Fr. Michael will be gone and our supply priest will be the Rev. Janice Jones. You may recall that she was here May 14th.
SUNDAY, JUNE 25TH, 2023: Attendance: 38 In Church 6 On Zoom 44 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, July 2nd are: Layreaders..........Sherry Musgrove & Diane Hays Altar Guild........Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers Acolyte...............Grady Gonzales Ushers................David & Karen Leitch VPOD................Mary Rubio Altar Flowers given by..............Margaret Thomas in memory of Phyllis Gibson and Kaylee Schultz Coffee Hosts......Linda Myers & Carol Hervey
Happy Birthday to Michael Long, 06-30.
I want to compliment you Epiphanites on interacting with visitors. Hopefully you will continue-you said you want Epiphany to grow-that's one of the ways to make it happen.
Be A Blessing to ALL You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy (drink lots of water) Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the "epiphany crier"