Ian Says Thank You---Ian Rodriguez joined Fr. Michael at announcement time Sunday at the end of the service. Ian said, " Thank you for all of your prayers while I was sick."
R G Guthrie is still in the hospital trying to recover from health issues. He is in Cedar Park Regional Hospital, Room 2106. Jim Curran is still at Granite Mesa in Marble Falls recovering from a stroke. There is marked improvement in his speech and movement. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers. Carol Hervey has
been diagnosed with severe health issues. PLEASE keep all of them in your prayers.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Attendance: 39 In Church
14 On Zoom
Pledges were $2,075.00 which YTD makes $50,710.53 which represents 52.53% of the confirmed Pledges for 2021.
Thank ALL OF YOU for keeping up your 2021 Pledges, added giving for the lawn service, and other special gifts.Our Physical Plant needs a lot of attention and maintenance as well as our technology improvements.
Words from the Sr. Warden:
" I'm sure we all continue to be blessed by being able to actually attend services in our lovely sanctuary. Also good is that we are continuing to offer the Zoom (thank you Otis)option for those that are away or are unable for whatever reason to be present at church. It’s great to be a part of our Epiphany community in whatever way.
Items FYI:
Our Special Yard Fund. It is a great success! As many have noted the yard now looks wonderful and is presenting a much better statement about Epiphany in the neighborhood. Please keep this giving option in mind (note Yard Fund on your gift), especially in the warm months when grass grows faster. It costs $110 each time the yard is done, but any amount is truly needed and appreciated.
You may have noted that our flags are missing…again. Sadly, they were stolen last week. A theft report has been filed with the Burnet Police Department. Sunday Officer Cummings met Fr. Michael and several of the vestry after church to discuss the situation. Officer Cummings said we will have increased surveillance for the rest of the Summer and an Officer specializing in property security will set up a meeting with us to look at ways to improve security on our campus.
Good news on Plumbing issues. We noted outside faucet leaks, toilet flushing issues and a sacristy faucet flow problem. We feared they might have been related to the terrible freeze,but after a service call, all turned out to be minor (cheap) unrelated problems.Thank you Lord!"
We might add that we received an email from Nancy Petty: she is having some balance issues which affect her driving and walking. She misses being in church with us but appreciates Zoom so much and feels a part of the worship.
Special thanks to the Gonzales family--they had us well in hand Sunday--Maria and JJ ushers and Grady and Jackson Acolytes.
Those scheduled to serve Sunday 6-27 are:
Layreaders----David and Karen Leitch
Ushers--------- Davod amd Karen Leitch
Altar Guild--Diane Hays and Barbara DeHart
V P of Day---- Linda Myers
Happy birthday to Wayne Blikre June 29 and Michael Long June 30.
And happy Anniversary to B J and David Henry, 51 years I think, June 27 and Ken and Melissa Toliver July 4.
Daughters of the King meets Sunday, 6-27, after church in the Library.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem
R G Guthrie is still in the hospital trying to recover from health issues. He is in Cedar Park Regional Hospital, Room 2106. Jim Curran is still at Granite Mesa in Marble Falls recovering from a stroke. There is marked improvement in his speech and movement. Please keep him and Maureen in your prayers. Carol Hervey has
been diagnosed with severe health issues. PLEASE keep all of them in your prayers.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Attendance: 39 In Church
14 On Zoom
Pledges were $2,075.00 which YTD makes $50,710.53 which represents 52.53% of the confirmed Pledges for 2021.
Thank ALL OF YOU for keeping up your 2021 Pledges, added giving for the lawn service, and other special gifts.Our Physical Plant needs a lot of attention and maintenance as well as our technology improvements.
Words from the Sr. Warden:
" I'm sure we all continue to be blessed by being able to actually attend services in our lovely sanctuary. Also good is that we are continuing to offer the Zoom (thank you Otis)option for those that are away or are unable for whatever reason to be present at church. It’s great to be a part of our Epiphany community in whatever way.
Items FYI:
Our Special Yard Fund. It is a great success! As many have noted the yard now looks wonderful and is presenting a much better statement about Epiphany in the neighborhood. Please keep this giving option in mind (note Yard Fund on your gift), especially in the warm months when grass grows faster. It costs $110 each time the yard is done, but any amount is truly needed and appreciated.
You may have noted that our flags are missing…again. Sadly, they were stolen last week. A theft report has been filed with the Burnet Police Department. Sunday Officer Cummings met Fr. Michael and several of the vestry after church to discuss the situation. Officer Cummings said we will have increased surveillance for the rest of the Summer and an Officer specializing in property security will set up a meeting with us to look at ways to improve security on our campus.
Good news on Plumbing issues. We noted outside faucet leaks, toilet flushing issues and a sacristy faucet flow problem. We feared they might have been related to the terrible freeze,but after a service call, all turned out to be minor (cheap) unrelated problems.Thank you Lord!"
We might add that we received an email from Nancy Petty: she is having some balance issues which affect her driving and walking. She misses being in church with us but appreciates Zoom so much and feels a part of the worship.
Special thanks to the Gonzales family--they had us well in hand Sunday--Maria and JJ ushers and Grady and Jackson Acolytes.
Those scheduled to serve Sunday 6-27 are:
Layreaders----David and Karen Leitch
Ushers--------- Davod amd Karen Leitch
Altar Guild--Diane Hays and Barbara DeHart
V P of Day---- Linda Myers
Happy birthday to Wayne Blikre June 29 and Michael Long June 30.
And happy Anniversary to B J and David Henry, 51 years I think, June 27 and Ken and Melissa Toliver July 4.
Daughters of the King meets Sunday, 6-27, after church in the Library.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem