Congratulations Epiphany--Thank you for your faithful giving.
Well, summer has come to central Texas--Hot and Dry--Remember the "3 P's. take care of pets, plants, and check on people........Step up your water intake.
As of Sunday, R G was still in the hospital recovering from surgery for an abscess. Fr. Michael plans to visit Jim Curran at Granite Mesa in Marble Falls today-more to report from that next week. Please keep R G, Jim and Maureen Curran in your thoughts and prayers. And add Shelia Wilson to your prayers as she journeys to Washington to donate a kidney. It was so meaningful for the congregation to be
a part of Fr. Michael's laying hands on her.
Carol Weathers announced Sunday that there will be a Rummage Sale this fall. We will let you know the date as soon as she lets us know. As of know there is not a storage building to drop off items.
******* We want to say a special THANK YOU to Grady and Jaxon Gonzales,
our ever faithful acolytes on Sundays. Thank you so much for your
Sunday, May 13:
In church-----27
********The VESTRY meets today at 6:00 P. M. in the Library. ALL MEMBERS of
Epipany are welcome to attend. If there is something you would like to bring before the Vestry contact Linda Myers, the Sr. Warden, to get it put on the agenda.
Those scheduled to serve Sunday 6-20 are:
Layreaders----Rufus & Sandy Arrington
Ushers--------- Maria & JJ Gonzales
V P of Day---- Otis Maclay
And now, a Happy Birthday to Sherry Musgrove who celebrates her birthday today, to Collete Boyd who celebrates her birthday on June 21, and Jim Dyke who celebrates his birthday on June 23.
"Confession Time" -- The computer operator has been having some issues with our new computer---if you are not receiving the ESTAR, let us know.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem
Rufus & Sandy
Well, summer has come to central Texas--Hot and Dry--Remember the "3 P's. take care of pets, plants, and check on people........Step up your water intake.
As of Sunday, R G was still in the hospital recovering from surgery for an abscess. Fr. Michael plans to visit Jim Curran at Granite Mesa in Marble Falls today-more to report from that next week. Please keep R G, Jim and Maureen Curran in your thoughts and prayers. And add Shelia Wilson to your prayers as she journeys to Washington to donate a kidney. It was so meaningful for the congregation to be
a part of Fr. Michael's laying hands on her.
Carol Weathers announced Sunday that there will be a Rummage Sale this fall. We will let you know the date as soon as she lets us know. As of know there is not a storage building to drop off items.
******* We want to say a special THANK YOU to Grady and Jaxon Gonzales,
our ever faithful acolytes on Sundays. Thank you so much for your
Sunday, May 13:
In church-----27
********The VESTRY meets today at 6:00 P. M. in the Library. ALL MEMBERS of
Epipany are welcome to attend. If there is something you would like to bring before the Vestry contact Linda Myers, the Sr. Warden, to get it put on the agenda.
Those scheduled to serve Sunday 6-20 are:
Layreaders----Rufus & Sandy Arrington
Ushers--------- Maria & JJ Gonzales
V P of Day---- Otis Maclay
And now, a Happy Birthday to Sherry Musgrove who celebrates her birthday today, to Collete Boyd who celebrates her birthday on June 21, and Jim Dyke who celebrates his birthday on June 23.
"Confession Time" -- The computer operator has been having some issues with our new computer---if you are not receiving the ESTAR, let us know.
Have a blessed week
Carpe every diem
Rufus & Sandy