Fr. Michael is out of town on vacation. He will return June 26, 2022. "In the event of urgent matters , call the Church Office at 512-756-2334. Fr. Michael will answer emails upon his return on the 26th."
We want to say Thank You to the Rev. Janice Jones, Jan, for filling in for Fr. Michael on Sunday. This coming Sunday, the 19th, our supply priest will be the Rev. Janice Krause.
As you know, Bishop Kai Ryan will be at Epiphany on July 3rd. There will be a Light Lunch in the Parish Hall following the Eucharist. Thank ALL OF YOU Who Have Volunteered to Bring Food.
The family of Jo Lipscombe has donated a quantity of feminine items, new in wrapper or box. These items are in one of the classrooms in the Admin. building. Please feel free to take whatever you can use. Any items left over will be given to a medical group going to Honduras.
There are a LOT of empty slots on the Altar Flower Sign-up Chart in the Narthex. Please sign-up to participate if you can. Thank you.
Sunday, June 12, 2022 attendance: 18 In Church 12 On Zoom 30 Total
*Donation from PEC United Charities $475. They donate to us because JJ Gonzales is their employee. Scholarship for Jaxon Gonzales &1,000. Check from Alpha Gamma XI Military Sorority, Inc. Their check is payable to Epiphany. We are writing a check to Jaxon for $1,000.
*****ATTENTION VESTRY---There will be NO Meeting in June. The Vestry will meet with Bishop Ryan after church on July 3rd. You will have your regular meeting on July 21st.
*****The office will close on Wednesday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, June 19th, are: Layreaders........Rufus & Sandy Arrington Ushers...............Kris Picken & Margaret Thomas Altar Guild..........Sue Brunson & Nancy Petty VP of D..............Sherry Musgrove Coffee Hosts......Linda Myers & Carol Hervey
Happy Birthday to Sherry Musgrove, 6-17 and Collette Boyd, 6-21.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem