During announcement time in our worship service Sunday, Fr. Michael read a “thank you” letter from Steven Tomlinson. Suffice to say he is most appreciative for his gifts.
Some Words from the Sr. Warden: “We’d appreciate consideration for small donations from the Parish to help us “spruce up” the Youth Center. A donation was received that covers the cost of a small, tankless under-counter water heater and a portion of the necessary electric work required for the water heater installation. We’ll purchase paint and volunteers shall paint those brightly colored walls, louvered doors, trim and ceiling with lovely neutral colors. Cranz Nichols recently repaired and repainted the cabinet. We’re excited to be able to again use a refurbished Youth Center, our former Parish Hall, for coffee after church and social gatherings while the Parish Hall is being restored. We are asking for extra donations only because of our recent misfortunes (lightening, water, roof-and more), so the shortfall in insurance is something that occurs outside our regular budget. St. Anne’s voted yesterday to donate $400 toward the electrical work for the water heater. Thanks be to God for progress made.”
Deana Geuther
*****The Burnet Presbyterian Church is looking for a secretary as their present one is leaving. If you know of anyone in need of work, contact: Rev. Josyph Andrews Pastor, Burnet Presbyterian Church [email protected] 830-220-7825
SUNDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2023: ATTENDANCE: 39 In Church 6 On Zoom 45 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, JUNE 18TH are: Layreaders..........Linda Myers & Mary Rubio Acolyte................Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.........Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers.................Rufus & Sandy Arrington VPOD.................Susan Wallace Altar Flowers Given By.............Dallas & Susan Wallace in memory of Barbara Leckman Coffee Hosts.......Cecile Gloier & Diane Langley
L A CARE IS IN NEED OF PEANUT BUTTER AND MACARONI AND CHEESE. I might add that because of the lack of availability from the Capital Area Food Bank in Austin, L A Care is having to buy more and more food from HEB at full price. On top of that the number of clients we service is increasing monthly.
Happy Birthday to Jim Dyke (6/23).
Please keep those in your prayers at Epiphany with special needs. God Bless All.
Summer is truly here—don’t forget to check on people, plants, and pets. AND, DRINK A LOT OF WATER.
Be A Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the "epiphany crier"