As a reminder, Ashley Harper-Oberle’s Ordination will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at Christ Church Cathedral located at 1117 Texas Avenue in Houston. Bishop Doyle will be officiating. Here is a link to the ordination information:
Once again, congratulations to Ashley for all her accomplishments and for being a part of Epiphany!
SUNDAY, June 9, 2024: ATTENDANCE: 36 in Church 9 online 45 total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, June 16th are: Lay Readers: Lee Myers and Rachel Bryson Ushers: Karen and David Leitch VPOD: Maria Gonzales Altar Guild: Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch and Linda Myers Altar Flowers have been given by Sherry Musgrove
There will be a Vestry Meeting this Sunday after church services. It will be held in the Youth Center. All parishioners are invited to attend.
If anyone knows of a small RV for sale for someone to live in, please contact Janet Wilton at the office, 512-756-2334.
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, the not yet dads, the stepdads, the moms who are dad, the adoptive dads, and the dads who are no longer with us.” --- Unknown