Let us begin by saying a BIG THANK YOU to Deborah and Mike Kelley for mowing the Big East Lot at Epiphany a week or so ago. Deborah had the harder part, running the D R around the curbs; Mike was on the tractor with the shredder. Thanks again friends.
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study will meet next Tuesday, July 13, from 10:00 a.m. till noon in the Parish Hall. The facilitator will be Sandy Arrington.
Shelia Wilson was at church Sunday after donating a kidney to Tyler. Both are doing extremely well. Thanks again Shelia.
SUNDAY---JULY 4, 2021 Attendance---In Church----31 Zoom-----------7 Total---------- 38 Not bad for the 4th of July holiday. R G Guthrie has been readmitted to hospital. R G is looking at a lengthy recovery. By the way, Fr. Michael announced in Church Sunday that R G has been diagnosed with early stages of Parkinsons. Carol Weathers had organized a Meal Train to help R G and Carol Guthrie, mother, with meals before R G had to return to the hospital. Thank you Carol Weathers for doing this. Thank all of you that were going to participate.
We visited R G and Carol Guthrie Sunday after church to deliver a Prayer Shawl. They were most appreciative. Carol said she established a "Go fund me account" for R G.
Please keep R G, Jim and Maureen Curran, Carol H. and Carol Guthrie in your prayers. We saw Mae and Morgan Wright Wright in HEB last week. She said they are recovering from extensive Dental Visits but are doing pretty good.
FYI ZOOM CHURCH ATTENDEES: Remember if you missed the invitation to worship you get on by clicking on Zoom, then entering the Meeting I D and Password--I D--427 766 372 and Password--022914 or by dialing 346-248-7799. You can also go to the Church Website.
Those serving this coming Sunday, July 11 are: Layreaders Rachel Bryson and David Leitch Ushers Bobbie and George Clear Altar Guild Sue Brunson and Nancy Petty V P of the Day Margaret Thomas Thank all of you for serving.
Happy Birthday to Cazlynn Guthrie (7-8), Desiree Guthrie(7-8), Cecile Gloier (7-9), Carol Slape(7-9), and Alicia White(7-9).
We finally got a little "much needed" rain out at Oatmeal July 4th afternoon. Guess
we must be sort of "living right", at least that's what Cranz Nichols's mother used to say.
Have a blessed week Stay safe and healthy Carpe every diem Rufus and Sandy