THE RUMMAGE SALE: Please hold off bringing any more items for the sale at this time. They are out of space. Will let you know when to bring items. Many thank you's from Carol Weathers for ALL of the Help.
Words from the Sr. Warden: Did you borrow the church's "furniture dolly??? We are currently missing the dolly that is normally kept in the Parish Hall custodial closet. If you have it-return it please? Many Thanks! We are in the more financially difficult months of Summer. The grass grows and must be cut. Bills continue, even when we are on vacation. The lawn service costs $110 per week. With the heat(and lack of "muscle") we are blessed to have someone else do it. Please consider making a designated contribution for the Yard Service to help us keep looking good....and regular Pledge or co-tribution to keep sound financially! As of Sunday, we have two new members at Epiphany from Marble Falls: Jim and Pat Cauble. Hope you have introduced yourselves and made them welcome.
The Church Office will open next Wednesday at 1:00 P.M.
The Rev. Jerry Chapman will be serving with us this coming Sunday. Michael and Cheri Long will be out of town for a family reunion.
Sunday, July 24, 2022 Attendance: 33 In Church 11 On Zoom 44 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, July 31st are: Layreaders..........Rufus and Sandy Arrington Acolytes...............Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Altar Guild............Diane Hays, Barbara DeHart, & Susan Wallace Ushers.................Karen Leitch V P of D...............Susan wallace Coffee Hosts........Patty Murray & Rachel Bryson
You may have noticed the line in the church bulletin that says that the Community Kitchen has " on going needs". You may even have wondered just what Community Kitchen is. It is a place where anyone on Thursdays can get a meal with no questions asked; the meals are free. Currently we are serving between 60 and 70. There was a time when Community Kitchen had plenty of financial support, but that has changed, and we need your help. We would ask you to consider making a small contribution. You can make your check payable to Epiphany and earmark it to Community Kitchen so the Kitchen can Continue. Thank you so much, Mark Pack Sandy Arrington Mike Kelley Rufus Arrington Deana Geuther Gracie Weston Cranz Nichols Becky Carlberg
Claude and Ellie Burks have Covid. And Margaret Thomas has something like Covid but tests negative(go figure). Please keep ALL in your prayers for recovery.
Happy Anniversary to Doug and Sue Brunson, 08-01.
Happy Birthday to Merle Juhnke, 08-04.
Be a Blessing to ALL You meet Be Healthy and Safe Carpe every Diem Rufus