Fr. Michael and Cheri will be taking an overdue vacation for the next two weeks. The Rev. Tom Buechele will be serving at Epiphany.
Shelia Wilson announced Sunday at church that it was her last Sunday at Epiphany for a while. She and her husband Doug are moving to Colorado Springs to be closer to families. We sure are gonna miss her.
Patty Murray brought her friend, Yolanda Martinez, to church Sunday, hope you had an opportunity to meet her. Very nice lady.
Jim Curran is still at Granite Mesa, please keep him and Maureen in your prayers. R G is still at home in Burnet with his mother. He is making some progress. Keep them in your prayers.
A Go Fund Me URL has been set up for R G Guthrie by Nancy Heuss with the assistance of Susan Wallace--thank you ladies.
The Sunday Prayerlist---we want all names on there that should be but if you have forgotten to remove a name please let Fr. Michael, The Church Office, or us know. Guess you noticed it was rather lengthy Sunday. Thank you.
Sunday, July 18th:
Attendance: 33 In Church 9 Zoom 42 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, July 25 are:
Layreaders.....................Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Ushers............................Deana Geuther & Susan Wallace Altar Guild.......................Diane Hays & Barbara DeHart Crucifer and Acolyte......Grady & Jaxon Gonzales
V P of the Day................Rachel Bryson
Altar Flowers are given by Deana Geuther. Thank you so much.
Happy Birthday to Pat Bass, July 25, and Sandy Arrington, July 26.
Have a blessed week Carpe every diem Be safe and be careful