Sunday was such a delightful day at Epiphany. It was good having Fr, Michael all rested; his celebration of the Eucharist was especially full of energy and vigor. His sermon was grand. It was great seeing Abbey Major and Zander back as well as Anderson with Karen Leitch and Nancy Heuss and her grandchildren. And David Leitch conducted some acolyte training for Layreaders. After church Coffee Hour and socializing in the Parish Hall was wonderful--full of laughter and serious and fun talk.. Folks, Epiphany is alive and well and nurturing......I almost forgot---hope you got to meet Mary Rubio, she and her husband were there last week, they are new members joining us from Lampasas. She also is a member of Daughters of the King.
Some words from the Sr. Warden: "Just a brief statement about the roof-We haven't received a final written report from our insurance company yet, but a phone message from the adjuster said they will not cover the parish hall roof repair. It's a small hole due to tree limb wear. They indicated a small patch should fix it & the Jr. Warden is pursuing repairs." ........Neglect will always come back to haunt you.........the tree has gotta go--
Sunday, JULY 17, 2022: ATTENDANCE: 38 In Church 8 On Zoom 46 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, July 24, 2022: Layreaders.........Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove Acolytes..............Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Ushers................Maria and JJ Gonzales Altar Guild...........Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove V P of D...............Rachel Bryson Coffee Hosts........Linda Dyke and Carol Weathers
By the Way, I cannot say "THANK YOU" enough to Grady and Jaxon Gonzales for being such faithful servers at Epiphany. Come to think of it...thanks Maria and JJ, what a wonderful family.
Sandy talked with Mae Wright yesterday. Morgan is at home-receiving home health care and is very weak. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. They have been faithful and loyal members of Epiphany for all these years.
Otis Maclay said that Jane Scheidler is recovering nicely from her hip surgery.
Sorry to learn from Patty McMurtry that Jeff's mom, Lillian, has been ill. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
The St. Anne's Guild had another work-day yesterday getting ready for the up and coming Rummage Sale the Friday and Saturday after Labor Day(9-9 &9-10). Thanks to ALL. Oh yes, and THANK YOU Dallas Wallace for helping the ladies.
*****A Word about our LAWN SERVICE: This is NOT a "Budgeted Item", it is funded by Donations. THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR DONATIONS. If you wish to contribute just indicate on your check or envelope you put in the collection plate on Sundays
The Daughters of the King will meet Sunday, the 31st, after church.
Happy Birthday to Pat Bass, 07-25, and Sandy Arrington. 07-26.
******Last, the Ushers will have hand sanitizer available for those who would like it before taking communion.*******
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus, and Sandy , too.