It is wonderful seeing our church family attendance holding steady, or even increasing on a regular basis.
Carol Weathers has established a Meal Train for R G and Carol Guthrie. If you are not participating and want to, contact Carol. Thanks everyone. Also, if you would like to visit R G he would welcome a bag of ice and some 7-up; their ice maker is on the fritz. And he likes to play cards.
Jim Curran is still at Granite Mesa in Marble Falls. He is in Quarantine because they have a case of Covid-19 at Granite Mesa. Please keep Jim and Maureen Curran in your prayers as well as R G.
On another note we visited a bit Sunday with Carol Hervery at Church Sunday. She is feeling much better and appreciates your prayers.
Sandy visited with Merle Juhnke via email. He is having leg aches and balance problems much as a result of his "Fall" in 2015. He is very uncomfortable sitting or standing for any length of time. Merle was such a spearhead in the building of the new church. In case you didn't know it know it, Merle made the large wooden Cross on the rock wall behind the Altar and the Ombre(where the reserved sacrament is stored) when the new church was built. Thanks again old friend. The wood for the cross came from Carol Hervey's father, Dr. Hayes.
Tuesday, the Epiphany Women's Bible Study had an interesting session on the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.
***Fr. Michael will be taking a WELL DESERVED VACATION in a few weeks.
Hopefully he can get out of town.
Sunday, June 11, 2021: Attendance: In Church-------33 Zoom--------------6 Total--------------39
******SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT****The Church Office will be closed Friday, July 16th. Dianne Williams has a doctor's appointment. Please keep her in your prayers as she is having some issues with her eyes. The antibiotic seems to be really helping.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, July 18th are:
Layreaders------Rufus and Sandy Arrington Ushers-----------Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove Altar Guild-------Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove Acolytes----------Grady and Jaxon Gonzales V P of the Day--Sandy Arrington
Altar Flowers this coming Sunday, the 18th, are given by Diane Hays, Cecile Gloier Diane Langley, and Sherry Musgrove. Thank you ladies.
Happy birthday to Money Adams who celebrates his birthday today and Beth Boyd who celebrates her birthday on July 19th, and to Maureen Curran who celebrates her birthday on July 20th.
Have a blessed week Carpe every diem Be Safe and be healthy Rufus and Sandy