We are excited to announce that some of the newest members are really becoming involved at Epiphany. Victoria and Justin Bailey, Susan Wallace, and Deana Geuther will be ushering. And Susan and Deana are going to go through Daughters of the King training. Thank you ALL SO MUCH.
Please continue to keep R G Guthrie, Jim Curran, and Maureen Curran in your prayers for recovery.
By the way, if planning a visit to Jim Curran at Granite Mesa you must have an appointment. We visited Jim yesterday-he has good movement in his left arm and leg and his speech is clear as well as his thinking. Carol Guthrie brought R G home Tuesday evening. They are getting acclimated to Home Health Care and Physical Therapy and making arrangements for a wheelchair and moving him to Burnet. AND continue to keep Shelia and Tyler in your prayers afterTyler's kidney transplant from Shelia, God bless-um. Ninety-eight year old Cynthia Horn sends her greetings to Fr. Mike and all at Epiphany. She tells us that her great, great granddaughter is London(first name) Bridges(last name). Also, "please keep the newsletter coming, and tell all at Epiphany I said love." ............
Attendance continues to hold steady. Sunday, June 27 we had 34 in church and 7 on zoom for a total of 41. We know it is not easy to stay on Zoom when you are having internet issues.
And Thank You to St. Annes' for your generous donation to the Lawn Care Fund. And thanks to an "Angel"(?) for your generous donation to the Lawn Care Fund. Speaking of Angel(s), thank you for those that mowed the Big East Lot,
REFRIGERATOR IN PARISH HALL: If there is anything you want, get it before Sunday. We are going to DUMP the items in there as all items are 1 1/2 to 2 years old , minimum. Just trying to avoid someone getting sick.
Happy Birthday to Justin Bailey(July 7) and Bayley Hutson(July 7). Happy Anniversary to Ken and Melissa Toliver(July 4).
Those serving this coming Sunday, July 4th.
Attention Vestry Members: There will be no vestry meeting in July but watch for Communications from The Sr. Warden, aka, Linda Myers. Also, V P of the day needs to make sure that the Sconces Lights are LEFT ON.
*******The Office will be closed WEDNESDAY, July 7th , for Dianne Williams to have her 4th of July Holiday.
Oh Yes, try to minimize power usage by raising your thermostats to 78d and avoid using major appliances between 2 and 7 P.M. Also, step up your personal water intake.