Our prayers go out to the Heuss family with the death of Nancy's mother, to Mark Pack and Cesar and
Mark's family with his mother being transferred home for Hospice care, and to the Bailey family as Victoria recovers from a near fatal automobile accident. Please keep all of the families in your thoughts and prayers. This is a lot but such is the life at Epiphany. God bless ALL.
Thank you Sandy Arrington and Pat Bass for providing an Epiphany Celebration with Special Cake after church Sunday. By the way, Claude Burks found a surprise in his piece; legend says he is to have especially good luck this year.
*******Church Prayer List--it is time to update the Prayer List---Circle any name that you want left on the Prayer List. In case you do not know, it is located in the narthex. We are good at putting names on the list but not updating it---need your help.
Don't forget that The Annual Parish Meeting is coming up January 19th---we will elect 4 members to the Vestry of 2020. Pray for Epiphany Episcopal Church.... we feel that 2020 will be a great year for our church.
We are still missing 4 round table cloths from the Parish Hall. If you have any idea, let Georgie Nolan know. Thanks.
Attendance Sunday: 42
Sunday, January 12--------Loose offering goes to Priest's Desc. Fund
Wednesday, January 15--St. Annes' meets at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, January 16------Community Kitchen--4:00 p.m.
Budget Meeting--------5:00 p.m.
Vestry Meeting----------5:45 p.m.
"Covered Dish Lunch Sunday", before meeting-
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, January 12 are Rufus and Sandy Arrington.
Ushers are George and Bobbie Clear.
Coffee Hosts are Sherry Musgrove and Diane Hays.
And finally, for all out there suffering with "Cedar Fever", even this shall come to pass..........
Have a Blessed Week
Carpe every Diem
God Bless,
Rufus and Sandy
Mark's family with his mother being transferred home for Hospice care, and to the Bailey family as Victoria recovers from a near fatal automobile accident. Please keep all of the families in your thoughts and prayers. This is a lot but such is the life at Epiphany. God bless ALL.
Thank you Sandy Arrington and Pat Bass for providing an Epiphany Celebration with Special Cake after church Sunday. By the way, Claude Burks found a surprise in his piece; legend says he is to have especially good luck this year.
*******Church Prayer List--it is time to update the Prayer List---Circle any name that you want left on the Prayer List. In case you do not know, it is located in the narthex. We are good at putting names on the list but not updating it---need your help.
Don't forget that The Annual Parish Meeting is coming up January 19th---we will elect 4 members to the Vestry of 2020. Pray for Epiphany Episcopal Church.... we feel that 2020 will be a great year for our church.
We are still missing 4 round table cloths from the Parish Hall. If you have any idea, let Georgie Nolan know. Thanks.
Attendance Sunday: 42
Sunday, January 12--------Loose offering goes to Priest's Desc. Fund
Wednesday, January 15--St. Annes' meets at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, January 16------Community Kitchen--4:00 p.m.
Budget Meeting--------5:00 p.m.
Vestry Meeting----------5:45 p.m.
"Covered Dish Lunch Sunday", before meeting-
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, January 12 are Rufus and Sandy Arrington.
Ushers are George and Bobbie Clear.
Coffee Hosts are Sherry Musgrove and Diane Hays.
And finally, for all out there suffering with "Cedar Fever", even this shall come to pass..........
Have a Blessed Week
Carpe every Diem
God Bless,
Rufus and Sandy