Happy New Year to ALL of YOU. I see 2023 as a year of excitement, growth, learning and adjustment at Epiphany. We are moving on using new technology and skills. The Vestry and Fr. Michael that will be leading Epiphany will have, many challenges and opportunities but I have no doubt that all will come out fine.
This coming Sunday, the 8th, we will celebrate Epiphany with good food and a King's Cake-who will find the little baby in their piece? And lots of crowns.....
The Daughters of the King will meet Sunday, January 22nd, after the Worship Service in the Library.
The Annual Parish meeting will be Sunday, January 29th, after the 10:30 Worship Service.
It is recommended that we wear masks in church. Be especially careful with your intinction.
***The Bible Study Group will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the Library.
The New Flower Chart is up in the narthex beginning with January 15th. Please sign up for 2023.
The Burnet Boys and Girls Club Teen Center has been moved to the First Methodist Church of Burnet and I understand that their "Youth Director" will be the leader. This will also be more convenient to the schools.
By the way, take a look at the Youth Center--our sexton, Audrey Maltos, has done a beautiful job cleaning and straightening it. Thank You Audrey!
Sunday, January 1st, 2023: Attendance: 21 In Church 14 On Zoom 35 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, January 8th are: Layreaders........Rachel Bryson & Lee Myers Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.......Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers..............Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove VOPD..............Margaret Thomas Coffee Hosts....Epiphany Celebration
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study Group will meet January 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the Church Library. The facilitator will be Linda Myers.
Happy Birthday to Amelie Maclay Tijerina (Otis & Jane's granddaughter), 01-04, Thomas Castillo, 01-05, and Deborah Kelley, 01-10.
****Beginning in February our plan is for Janet Wilton, Parish Administrator, to begin writing the Epiphany E-Star. This will mean YOU WILL BE THE REPORTERS-it means that we have to get announcements and information to Janet. It will mean more parish information flowing through the church office which is where it should be. I will be available to help her get into the flow of things. Of course, this can't happen until we get a phone system since there is NO VOICEMAIL at the present time but email is working with the office computer, and the copier is working. (office email: [email protected])
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the Epiphany Crier