This coming Sunday, the 29th, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting. We will meet in the "Nave", that part of the church where we sit. It will help if we try to keep our reports short, sweet, and to the point as the treasurer and warden's reports will necessarily be lengthy.
Sunday after church we had coffee in the choir room and spilled into the narthex. It worked quite well. Thank ALL of you.
Our sermon Sunday was given by Steven Tomlinson, our Iona Ministry Student Intern. He continues to offer new ideas about old words--Repent-"Try on".....and Generosity instead of "Impress".....interesting food for thought.
Altar Flowers---if you have signed up February 28 through April 9th that is LENT - Please indicate another date. Thank you.
DioceseanCouncil is February 24th and 25th in Galveston. Our delegates are Deana Geuther, Rachel Bryson, Lee Myers, and Linda Myers.
Annual contribution statements will be handed out Sunday, January 29.
SUNDAY, January 22nd: Attendance: 31 IN CHURCH 18 ON ZOOM 49 TOTAL
Those scheduled to service this coming Sunday the 29th are: Layreaders.......Jim & Carol Weathers Acolyte.............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild........Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, & Linda Myers Ushers..............Susan Wallace & Alicia White VPOD...............Sherry Musgrove Coffee Hosts.....Patty Murray & Rachel Bryson Altar Flowers Given By...........Rufus & Sandy Arrington
Happy Birthday George Clear and Deana Thomas 01-27.
Happy Anniversary Claude and Ellie Burks, and Karen and David Leitch, 02-01, and Kenda Avery and Wayne Blikre, 02-02.
A special Thank You to Susan Wallace and Linda Dyke for filling in for Otis as there was FLU in Otis and Jane's house. Pray that they are getting better.
And THANK YOU Susan Wallace for putting together an EPIPHANY MASTER SCHEDULE for 2023. It is wonderful....many thanks again.
Communion is available for those who are unable to attend Sunday services for one reason or another by our Pastoral Care Team (Eucharistic Visitors). Requests should be made to Fr. Michael, Rufus Arrington or the church office.
*******Janet Wilton, our Parish Administrator, is working on a NEW church directory. PLEASE contact her with any corrections or editions.
In Closing I would like to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to GOD for the beautiful RAIN that He sent on Tuesday.....sure hope you got some.
Be a Blessing to ALL You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the"Epiphany Crier"