Guess you may have heard about a broken water pipe in the Parish Hall--it was discovered Saturday by our sexton Audrey Maltos. Many thanks go out to Audrey, her son Trace, Georgie, her grandson Ian, Rachel Bryson, JJ Gonzales, Lee and Linda Myers, and Jim Dyke for pushing out water. Another insurance claim.........
A Side Note from Michael: Jan 16, 2023, 11:27 AM (1 day ago)
"From Michael: About the plagues of Egypt: Astute biblical scholar Jim Weathers gently pointed out to me that there appear to have been 10, not 7 (as I said), plagues visited upon Egypt. He is absolutely right, and I appreciate his writing to me. I do not wish to be the source of biblical information. (I'm going to start getting this stuff right--I've been at it for only 48 years so far.)"
The Daughters of the King will meet Sunday, January 22, after the 10:30 worship service in the Library.
*****Sunday, the 29th, will be the Annual Parish Meeting. We will meet in the "Nave," that part of the church where we sit. Thank you, Michael, for that bit of "Anglican Lore".
******Coffee Hour--will be in the Choir Room and Narthex after worship. The Church of the Epiphany will go right on functioning as usual. We are fortunate to have the plant that we do. We will get through "all of this together" by the Grace of God.
Urgent Prayer Request---the Rev. Doug Lindley, serious shingles issue--it has gone to his eyes and his brain. Please, keep him and his family in your prayers.
Diocesean Council will meet February 24-25 in Galveston for those interested.
Sunday, January 15th: Attendance: 30 In Church 8 On Zoom 38 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, January 22nd are: Layreaders.........David Leitch & RG Acolyte...............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.........Diane Hays & Susan Wallace Ushers................Jim and Carol Weathers Coffee Hosts...... Linda Dyke & Carol Weathers VPOD.................Linda Myers Altar Flowers Given By.............Mary Rubio
Our Parish Administrator, Janet Wilton, wants to get a new 2023 Church Directoryout. Please contact her with any corrections or editing that needs to be done with your entry, or you could contact me with them, and I will relay them to her. Church email: [email protected]
Happy Birthday to David Leitch, 01-22.
In closing I hope you read the article in Tuesday's Daily about plans that Capital Metro has for the hill country working with the Texas Department of Transportation including our area. Yep, I'll be gone as a lot of this is projection by 2045. But there will be improvements to Texas Hwy. 29 fairly soon.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington "the Epiphany Crier"