The cold weather and some icing of roads played a big part of our weekend, hence we had low attendance for the service. Temperatures were hovering well below freezing for several days. Hopefully everyone survived this first real cold snap. We will probably have more of the same later in the month and/or into February. Stay prepared at home!
SUNDAY, January 14, 2024
Attendance: 15 In Church 12 Online 27 Total
No financial information available this week.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, January 21st are:
Lay Readers……….. Carol and Jim Weathers Ushers…………….….Maria & JJ Gonzales Acolyte………….......Grady Gonzales Altar Guild………...Diane Hays and Susan Wallace VOPD…………….….Otis Maclay Bishop’s Chaplain..Ashley Harper-Oberle
Altar Flowers are given this Sunday, January 21st by Linda Myers. (Correction to last week: Altar Flowers were given by Carol Weathers.)
We pray for those traveling this week.
We pray in thanksgiving especially with David Leitch (1/22), George Clear (1/27), and Deana Thomas (1/27), who celebrate their birthdays this week.
We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom, especially Fred Monette and Paul Bucciarelli. We also pray for their families and friends and all who mourn their passing.
We welcome Bishop Kai Ryan who is with us this Sunday, January 21st. Following the Eucharist, please join us in the Parish Hall for a reception honoring her. Also we are honoring Logan Feltz who is getting baptized by the Bishop and Marjie Tiemann who is reaffirming her baptismal vows. The reception is hosted by St. Anne’s Guild.
Please note that there will be NO Bible Study on Sunday, January 21st.
The loose plate offering on Sunday will be given to Bishop Ryan’s discretionary funds.
We will stream Merle Juhnke's funeral service Friday morning, January 19th at 10:00 for those who would like to attend but cannot come to church. A reception will follow at the Perissos Winery, 7214 Park Road 4 West, Burnet.
The link will be the same as for Sunday morning worship: Or dial 346 248 7799 Meeting ID: 427 766 372 Passcode: 022914
Don’t forget that Reverend DeaconSteven Tomlinson’s ordination will be on Saturday, January 27th at 2:00 p.m. at St. James’ Episcopal Church, 1941 Webberville Rd, Austin, TX.
From Father Michael: My thoughts about our Annual Parish Meeting on January 28: Even though we have asked people with certain responsibilities to prepare reports--and if you have, I thank you--I would like this to be a more informal gathering than usual. Please come with any questions or concerns you may have. It might be helpful for us to have something more like a conversation than a formal proceeding. Of course we will present financials and elect three Vestry members, but if we could reflect together on the life of our parish, I think we would all benefit and our ministry will be enhanced. For example, we will talk about the reconstruction of the outside front wall of the church and some alternative designs. Your role as parishioners will not be to vote on that, but to provide input for the Vestry, who are responsible for all such decisions. What I'm proposing is not such a radical departure from our previous conduct of the annual meeting, but maybe a shift in the atmosphere and our expectations. I'm looking forward to it!
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.” --Tyler Perry