The Annual Parish Meeting will be on Sunday, January 24, 2021 immediately after the 10:30 a.m. service on Zoom. Please plan to be a part of the meeting if possible as there is a lot to discuss for 2021. Fr. Michael will provide the link to join the service and the meeting.
COVID-19: H-E-B has announced that they have a limited vaccines at their pharmacies, and they have opened an online scheduler for customers to make appointments. For more information, they have posted a video about this on the company's website.
Burnet High School SPH (Spirit, Pride, Honor) Leaders are serving the community in honor of MLK. As part of Dawg Day of Service, they are collecting children's books and blankets to support the Hill Country Children's Advocacy Center. Call the High School for more information on how to donate.
Attendance: 31 via Zoom
There are still 2021 Liturgical Calendars available in the church office. The cost if $3.50.
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday.
Happy Birthday to: Sue Brunson on January 17 and David Leitch on January 22.
If you have any news about yourself, community or the church, please send the information to the church email address so that it can be included in the E-Star.
Peace and blessings
Dianne Williams
COVID-19: H-E-B has announced that they have a limited vaccines at their pharmacies, and they have opened an online scheduler for customers to make appointments. For more information, they have posted a video about this on the company's website.
Burnet High School SPH (Spirit, Pride, Honor) Leaders are serving the community in honor of MLK. As part of Dawg Day of Service, they are collecting children's books and blankets to support the Hill Country Children's Advocacy Center. Call the High School for more information on how to donate.
Attendance: 31 via Zoom
There are still 2021 Liturgical Calendars available in the church office. The cost if $3.50.
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday.
Happy Birthday to: Sue Brunson on January 17 and David Leitch on January 22.
If you have any news about yourself, community or the church, please send the information to the church email address so that it can be included in the E-Star.
Peace and blessings
Dianne Williams