Sunday was truly a joyous occasion at Epiphany: 1st there was the wondrous Epiphany service celebrated by Fr. Long, 2nd the great sermon by our Iona Intern Student Steven Tomlinson, 3rd adjournment to the parish hall to enjoy delicious chicken enchiladas prepared by Eugene Sepulveda, then the arrival of the Magi and at Bethlehem, and finally, Samantha finding the baby in her piece of the king's cake. All I can say is WOW, what a wonderful Epiphany Celebration. Many thanks to everyone that made it happen.
The Daughters of the King will meet Sunday, the 22nd, after the 10:30 Worship Service.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be Sunday, the 29th, in the Parish Hall after the 10:30 service.
The New Flower Chart for 2023 is up in the Narthex. Don't forget to sign-up.
Enjoy the NEW Casio music machine in the sanctuary. The sound is wonderful.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2023: Attendance: 44 In Church 11 On Zoom 55 Total
Those scheduled to service this coming Sunday, January 15th are: Layreaders.........Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.......Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musgrove Ushers...............Deana Geuther & Rufus Arrington VPOD...............Mary Rubio Coffee Hosts.....Sandy Arrington & Pat Bass Altar Flowers….Carol & Jim Weathers
Happy Birthday to Robert Winter, 01-14, Otis Maclay, 01-16, Sue Brunson 01-17.
Some Words from Margaret Thomas, our LACare representative: "LACare has 2 open slots for Volunteers (one is on Wednesday and the other is on Friday) and since we are flush with money due to generous donations, we are requesting that people donate fresh produce when possible since the quality available from the Texas Food Bank is not good."
In closing, Steven Tomlinson posed an interesting question in his sermon Sunday: Would you rather: "Be Right, all the time, or Pleasantly surprised." Thank you, Steven.
We have received word, Ralph Fulenwider, a member of Epiphany in years past, is near death. Please keep wife Diane, daughter Erin, and son Blake in your prayers.
Be a Blessing to All you meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the "Epiphany Crier"